Side Chapter 5

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(Rift and Cliff's base)

He sat in the room after Rift and Cliff talk to him, thinking about their offer then thought about his older brother Light. Out of all of his brothers, Light was the only one who understood him and accepted him. Everyone else could burn in the Nether for all he cared, well except the humans. Yes they destroyed him before, but they don't know about anything and are as innocent as Light.

Earlier he heard Rift talking to Cliff about his dad taking humans to the Nightmare Dimension and if memory serves him correctly, he was never banned from that dimension.

"I've decided" He said. Seconds later Rift appeared in front of him.


"I'll do it" 

Rift kept a neutral face, "I'll tell Cliff, we'll come for you in a bit."


Outside of the room Rift and the Steve were in, Cliff stood outside and heard everything that was said.

As of late, Cliff had noticed that Rift he has been acting very differently. Ever since he encountered Lucas, Rift has become distant from him and doesn't seem interested in anything any more. 

"Cliff" Rift said breaking the other's thinking, "He said yes, when should we leave?"

"Let's tell master first" 

Rift raised an eyebrow as they usually don't tell their master anything as he knew what happens, but followed Cliff nonetheless.

"Tell me Rift, what do you think about the plan?" Cliff asked, "I get my brother back and get your family, all we have to make sure is master gets the blonde. It's a win-win for us"

"My family is long gone Cliff, I have no one. All I want is revenge for them not helping and to pay master back for all that he has done, but I do not approve what we're going to Sabre and Lucas." Rift looks at his hands, "I do not approve of what I did to this man"

"He deserved it Rift, they all do"

They soon reached a part of the cave where torches did not light the area but by something else within.

"What brings you two here? I do not sense my other half so you have not finish your mission"

"Apologies master, but there's a small problem" Cliff looks at Rift, "Rift here doesn't accept what we are doing even though it's for his own benefit"

"Is that true?" The voice asked, "Rift, I thought you were dead set on bringing back your family, Lucas is your only way"

Rift glared into the light, "My family is dead, I know and I wish for them back, but I am not going to take a life of an innocent young boy for them. All those boys want to do is explore and live peacefully with the beings of this world."

The presure in the room got heavier, their master wasn't happy, "Oh Rift, even if you didn't want to bring your family back, I still want the blonde, he is someone I need."

"What about the brunet?"

"He's nothing more than a thorn in my side, the reason I am like this and without my other half." The voice growled, "I would make that boy pay for everything he has done if he wasn't someone Cliff needed"

"Yes, afterwards we can eliminate him along with the rest of the Steves" Cliff smirk, "All shall pay"

Rift signed, "I pledge my loyalty to you after everything you have done, I will ignore my feelings and follow through any and everything you wish to be done"

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