Side Chapter 6

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Side events that occurred Chapter 21


Positive and Negative: Kitchen (I realized I made Negative too emotional in the first book)

Positive hopped onto the kitchen counter while his brother looks through the cabinets to see what kind of food is available. 

"Neh, Neg, how do you think Rift will be okay?" 

"He'll be fine, he made amines with his past and is there for Lucas and Plague now; just like he always wanted"

"Still can't believe he is Plague and Green's uncle" Positive signed, "Or watched Lucas and Sabre when they were younger! I mean what kind of world do we live!"

"It is a surprise, but when it comes to either of them, there's always a surprise waiting for us to find" Negative smiled a bit.

Positive frowned at his brother's expression, "Hey, just a random question, do you like-like any of them?"

"No, I do admit I was attracted to them but wish not to go against the Dark Prince also someone has their eyes on Lucas, so I don't want to interfere" 

The red head signed in relief.

"Besides, I'm still in a relationship. We haven't broken up or anything, so I wish not to cheat"

And the frown returned.

"What do you think we should make? There's enough food to feed everyone plus more" Negative asked, not noticing his brother's expressions at all.

Positive's eyes lit up, "You're letting me help?"

Negative turned so he was looking his brother in the eyes, "After last time, you are lucky I let you into the kitchen at all."

The younger laughed nervously as Negative walked out to ask everyone else's opinion.


Reverse and Rainbow: Further into the cave

"You know Reverse" Rainbow started, "Out of everything, you and I being twins is the last thing I would have thought we would be. I mean, I thought you would be a bit older"

"Dad said the same thing before" Reverse smiled a bit, "We just had different mentalities when we were younger. Rainbow, I never meant to hurt you back then, I was just....upset."

The red head stopped and the other followed suit, "I don't blame you, I never did. What Dark did-"

"But I did it to myself, I pushed myself away and Dark just wanted me to be part of the family. Rainbow, you might not remember, but Dark was under a lot of stress. Between Light's health, dad consistently in his ear about being the next king, and worrying about us, Dark just wanted to be him."

"But that doesn't excuse him from bullying you" Rainbow looks down in guilt, "That doesn't excuse me from joining"

Reverse placed a hand on his shoulder, "If anything, I was his outlet. He was scared of hurting Light, and you were the baby of the family, so I was the only option"


"But he's changed, he has a son that he would do anything for, I mean" Reverse chuckled, "Shadow has a literal army if anything happens to him"

Rainbow couldn't help to smile, he and Shadow may have been enemies in the past, but that was in the past; Shadow is a child who had to grow up too quick.

"Now come on, this place seems to goes further down" Reverse playfully shoved his brother before they journeyed deeper.

 Soon they found a lake that glow thanks to the sea lanterns and crystals all over. Rainbow instantly gushed at how amazing the place looked then ran towards the water with Reverse walking behind him, grinning. 

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