Side Chapter 4

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Not too far away from they originally were, Cliff and Rift were standing on branches of a tree they were once under. They watched as the Nightmare King, Dark Prince and Infectious Steve walk deeper in the forest, each one carrying someone. They were so close in taking what they wanted, but, once again, the power within Rainbow surprised them and ruined their plans. 

"That Steve! He ruined everything again! Why can't he just die already!?" Cliff shouted, "And if it wasn't for him and the rest of those Steves, we would have what is rightfully ours!"

Rift said nothing, he just examine a familiar red and black hat in his hand. It was left behind after Plague and Lucas disappeared and just kept it. To be all honest, he was surprised how much power Rainbow has since it has been so long time since he used them. All this meant to Rift was he has to be smarter when it comes to the Steves, they are getting stronger and smarter as time goes on. The older look over to his ally who had his clench from anger and frustration.

"Don't worry Rift, we'll get another chance to get them" Cliff tried to reassure him and himself, "We'll get them soon and no one is going to get in our way."

Rift signed and put the hat in his pocket, "I know, but we don't have much time left *pulls out a vile with dark liquid" we only have a few weeks until this is gone then we'll go back to the way we were: weak and useless"

Cliff nodded and took out a similar vile like Rift's, "Do you think it will be any difference since they are humans now?"

"No" Rift look up at  the night sky, "not from what I seen, but their spirits merge meaning they will gain the powers of their past self and a few of their features will change. Cliff?"


"This isn't right you know, they aren't the Green and Blue we once knew so what's the point of this?" 

"You forgot haven't you?" Cliff grab the collar of Rift's shirt, "Let me remined you. If we bring them back to Him then he can separate them and we'll have the ones we want. Besides, this will teach the Steves for underestimating and not helping us in the first place! They are the reason everything happened, they are the reason we made that deal. It all could have been avoided if they gave what we wanted, now they must pay the price. Remember Rift, you're doing this for him, for his safety and happiness. Didn't you say you want another chance with him? This is your only option!" 

Rift glanced away and signed, "Right, this is the only way I'll ever see him after all, it's their fault I lost everyone."'It's the Steves fault for all of this, not theirs.'

Cliff lets go of Rift then took a step back, "Exactly, now let's go back , don't want to keep our 'friend' waiting, do we"

"First I want to know what does master have plan with the humans afterwards?" Rift ask, "He told you the plan, not me"

"We can do whatever to the brunet." Cliff shrugged, "As for the blonde, he goes straight to master, he is part of the plan to destroy the darkness in this world"

The younger had an insane at the end of his sentence then place a hand on Rift's shoulder so they can get to where they need to go. Rift signed then thought of a place and off they went.


She watched them as they teleport away and let out a sign. He caused so much heartache: first with Nightmare's family; then with Rainbow when He sent them after Rainbow only to kill his past best friends. This resulted to Dark losing Light then Blue and Plague losing Green. The blood of many Steves were on Cliff and Rift hands as they continue to follow His orders and more will fall if nothing is done. She knows all He wants is the destruction, the chaos, the mayhem, the sadness.

A tear fell down her face, she found it odd since the last time she ever cried was before she became who she is, before her life changed along with Sabre, Lucas and other's lives. Unfortunately, nothing will get done by standing there so she disappeared into the night.


The two males were teleport in a cave that has already been torched.

"Home sweet home" Rift smiled slightly.

He and Cliff walk over to a door that led into a dimly lit room; in the center was a figure on their knees badly injured.

"How is our guest doing?" Cliff smirk. 

The person said nothing; they didn't even glance at the two males.

"Well since your not in the mood to talk, we won't tell you about your brothers" They were about to walk out when:

"Wait", the person said with little breath, "M-my brothers? How did you-"

"We know about you and your family" Rift said, knowing this was the response they would get.

"You four were once two entities a long long time ago, but now are separated. You had three other brothers: one is close from becoming mad" Cliff started.

"One lost all of his memories" Rift added.

"And the last one is dead" Cliff ended.

"B-but he didn't die willingly" He knew his brother, he would not give up.

"But he did when he realized that his death made you happy" That was another thing: his brother would put them all first. The Steve bowed his head in shame, "What do you want?"

"Help us get what belongs to us and you get to see your only sane brother left"

"Who is the one sane?" Both men look at each other with an evil look.

No one can save me: he will forever hate me and he will never forgive me for what I have done. Only he understood, only he will see what had come upon me that day. Without him nothing matters, he was the only one that showed us that happiness that we never seen until he showed us. It's my fault for all of this: my fault my brother is close to mad, my fault that my brother forgotten everything about his past, my fault that he's dead, it's my fault that these two are hurting so many Steves.


Any guesses?

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