Chapter 20

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(Forgot to say Reverse was with Light, too many characters)

"Dad!" Silver shouted with glee, "Pa, dad's here, he's going to defeat the big meanie!"

Light hugs his son, yes, his husband is here, and they have a chance of defeating Cliff, but he didn't have the chance to tell his family about being married; heck, he hasn't even introduced Silver as his son. Positive didn't notice as he was currently resting on his brother after replenishing some of Light's energy; the snowy Steve is stronger than Positive thought, so he underestimated the amount needed to have Light back in action. Negaitve stayed stoic, he has no comment for the situation, Rift decide to join him in this, he already had his own drama to deal with. Reverse glared at the being, already put the pieces together and does not like his older brother's choice of partner. As for the group with Dark, neither did he or Rainbow paid any mind to what was happening; Dark worried over Shadow as Rainbow just didn't care to pay attention to anything but the still unconscious brunet in his arms. Plague had the same reaction as Reverse, but for different reasons. Just from the aura radiating from the new being, Plague could tell that he was a full virus, stronger than a regular to make matters better or worse. As for Nightmare, he decided to ignore what the male said, for now.

"Y-You, i-it can't be" The appearance of the virus struck fear into Cliff, the plan was only for Steves and one Ender, not for Virus'.

"It is, now you're going to pay for hurting my husband and almost killing my son" The newcomer growled and sent more silver disks at Cliff, cutting more appendages and pain filled screams erupted from him.

Seeing an opening, Rift chimed in, "Aim for that vile around his neck! That'll eliminate all of his power!"

The being looked to Echo, "If I give an opening"

"I'll take it" Echo finished, summoning a bow in one hand and an arrow in another.

When the moment it was revealed, Echo aimed and fired the arrow, hitting its target dead center. Cliff let out on final scream of pain before the black stuff exploded off him leaving only a body, though it wasn't a human's; it was a Steve's. The Blue Steve was an adult, but his eyes shows his true age of a teenager who's been and seen too much. At the same time, Sabre and Lucas woke up, as though that black stuff keep them in an unconsious state.

"What's going on?" Lucas sat up in Plague's arms, "What did I miss?"

"A lot sunshine" Plague half joked.

Sabre noticed an unknown Blue Steve and look to Rainbow, "Who's that? What happened to Cliff?"

"That is Cliff, though his name is Beige" Rainbow glared at the Steve.

"Beige? What does that mean? Rainbow are you alright? Is anyone hurt?" Sabre asked, but his questions were ignored.

"Please, I don't mean harm" Beige said, his voice filled with tiredness, "Rainbow, I know I'm the last being you want to see but-"

"Don't you even dare" Rainbow growled, pulling Sabre close to him, "Not only did you take the life of your own brother; but you tried to kill me, ruined my family's name while manipulating them, then you tried take my two best friends away from me and destroyed our home!"

The humans froze, so that Steve was the reason for all of this chaos.

Beige flinched seeing the fear in Sabre's eyes, only the brunet was switched to an image of his brother on that night. Mentally, the Steve slapped himself, 'This is not Blue, this is a boy who I hurt'

"I know, and you have every right to be, you, your family, friends, everyone. I destroyed the lives around me all for someone who promised something that could never happen"

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