Chapter 4

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I just want to note the timeline is before Sabre meets Origin


Sabre and Rainbow look up to see Dark and Nightmare standing on a branch of a tree that the brunet was just sitting under. The colorful Steve pushed his friend behind him, it was his turn to protect him.

"What are you two doing here?! Both of you were destroyed years ago!" Rainbow yelled and pulled out his choice of weapon: a stick.

The duo jumped down and Nightmare held up his hands as though saying 'we come in peace, we mean no harm' while Dark stood behind. Looking at the dark Steve, Sabre could not help to notice there was lighter in his dark green eyes then the last time they met. Looking at both Steves that stood before them, Sabre did not feel the fear he did since he first met them. Just as Nightmare was about to answer Rainbow's question, a voice called out:

"Guys I found him!"

All eyes turned to Plague who appeared next to the others with an unconscious person in his arms, "You'll never guess who I saw but we have to hurry up and find-"

"We already found him Plague" Nightmare signed as he pointed to the two below them.

"What! It took me several hours to find him, but it only took you a couple to find the other! Not fair" Plague pouted while the other two signed at his childish.

Rainbow, confused of the whole deal, stayed in front of Sabre incase the trio decide to attack but he could shake off the reason why and how the three are standing before them. They destroyed Dark almost two years ago; Plague was sent to a different world or something by Elemental a year ago; and Nightmare disappeared sometime during the fiasco with Elemental and Time.

While the Steves look at each other, Sabre was trying to figure out the person Plague was carrying then recongize the red vest, red/black pattern hat and blonde hair.

"Lucas!?" Sabre shouted, bringing all the attention on him.

Plague's head perked up, "Wait, I know that voice!"

Dark facepalmed, "Of course you do, that's Sabre"

"Sabre?" Plague look at the human behind Rainbow and seen he had a familiar chicken onesie that is all torn up but his hair was no longer covered by the hood and he did not have his signature bandanna, "Wow I barely noticed you without your blindfold and your hair being uncovered."

Sabre felt tears begin to build up again; he misses his bandanna. He grips on the sleeve of Rainbow's rainbow sweater as he hid further behind him. Rainbow look over his shoulder when he felt this to see the unshed tears in Sabre's eyes. He sent Plague a glare and was about to yell at him, but Dark bet him to it.

"Idiot! Remember what I told you, and you seen it yourself about the problems he went through when he was a child because the color of his eyes!" Dark growled.

First Memory, now Dark talking about the past with Sabre and the color of his eyes. There was more to Sabre's past than he had told to Rainbow.

"Oh, sorry Sabre. I meant I didn't recongize you, haven't really seen you without you hood or bandanna and it's been a year, so you changed a bit since then" Plague explained.

Sabre smiled a bit and got out behind of Rainbow.

"Excuse me, but what is happening?! Why are you being nice to Sabre? Why do you have an unconscious Lucas with you? Why are you-" Again Nightmare cut someone off again.

"We'll tell you soon, but right now we got some company" Nightmare jumped down just behind Sabre who was the closest to the forest that hide someone that Rainbow and Sabre had ran away from not too long ago, "Come out now!"

"Oh Nightmare, it's so nice to see you, same for you two Dark, Plague again. It has been a really long time has it not." Cliff smirked, "I think the last time I seen you Nightmare was when you found Dark crying over Blue's grave after my sword killed him, and then again when you found Plague you were crying over Green grave after-"

"Shut up!" Plague yelled getting all the attention on him, "Don't you dare bring up them! Don't you dare bring up Green or Blue after what you two done to them!"

Plague did not notice, but because of his yelling, Lucas up.

"What?! Where am I!? Sabre? Rainbow?" Lucas look around to see his friends, Dark, Nightmare, and someone new looking at him. He soon realized he was being carried by someone; his blue eyes investigate a pair of light green ones, "Pl-Plague!?"

"Hello, sleeping beauty" Plague joked before he jumped where Rainbow and Sabre were to let Lucas down. The three hugged each other, but the happy reunion soon ended when Cliff laughed.

"Oh, what do we have here? The reincarnation of both Blue and Green? In the same place? How wonderful, Rift will be delighted to know his little one is alive once again."

Cliff walked towards the group, but his eyes were solely on Sabre and Lucas. His view of them, however, was block by Rainbow and the Steves making him to stop and chuckled.

"Rare grey eyes that represents wisdom and a never dying flame, the one I search for years. Then one who bears a mark of the light in the darkness, the one Rift was in search of. Both will come back to us."

"Don't you dare thing we are going to let you, or Rift get your hands on them!" Dark growled.

"It's four against one Cliff might as well go" Nightmare recommended, "You're out match"

Cliff chuckled at the oldest Steve, "Oh, Nightmare, it's actually two against four"

No one understood what he meant until they heard Sabre yelling. They all turned around to see a man holding flailing Lucas him by his waist as Sabre trying to help.

"Let him go!" Sabre yelled. He tried to help his friend, but the person grabs his wrists in one hand while the other was around Lucas' waist.

"Ahhhhh! Let me go!"

Rainbow and Plague acted on instinct and ran over to help but were held back by Dark. He wanted to help as well, but he knows how the two work. The two in his grasp wanted to argue with Dark, but kept their mouths shut and quickly understood when they see the look on the older face. Nightmare kept his eyes on Cliff who continue to smirk.

"Ahh, I see that two of you are smart" Cliff chuckled. He anticipated Rainbow and Plague to do this, but with Dark he was unsure, and Nightmare was easy to predict in this situation.

"Let Lucas and Sabre go Rift" Nightmare said sternly. Rift shook his head then look over to Cliff with a knowing look.

"Oh Rainbow~" Cliff taunted. Rainbow turned to Cliff who made a signal of some sort, "I think it's time for you to regain more of your memories, don't you agree"

The next thing everyone knew was that Lucas screamed out in pain. Rift, just like what Cliff did to Sabre, had buried his nails into Lucas' skin deep enough to cause blood.



Then that's when it happened: more of Rainbow's memories returned.

"Hey are you okay?"

"I have to warn you about someone"

"You're just like him"

"Indeed, but I want my blue treasure with golden flakes"

"I'm so sorry Rainbow"

"Come on! Hurry!"

"Rainbow look out!"

"I'm glad I can call you my friend Rainbow"

"Thank you"


Rainbow screamed, he shot fire balls randomly, one was aimed at his two best friends who couldn't do anything to getting away

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