Chapter 11

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After everyone departed their own separate ways, Rainbow waited in the living room for Lucas, Plague or Nightmare to be done with what ever they are doing. All he can hope is Lucas and Plague's talk goes okay, he knows why his friend wanted to talk to the Steve: Lucas knows Green was Plague's younger brother. The blonde had that look on his face as though he knew something already and the relationship between Green and Plague was the only thing Rainbow could think of. 

That one piece of information actually resurface more of Rainbow's memories, not much, but it was something. Mostly it was when he first met the brothers.


Rainbow and Blue were following a Yellow Steve to her town, more like kingdom, filled with Steves. They met so many Steves, even the king. The two were walking when someone ran into Blue causing both to fall over.

"Blue, are you okay?" Rainbow asked worried.

"I'm fine" Blue look next to him see a Green Steve about his age (maybe younger) next to him, "Hey are you alright?"

"I-I'm good and s-sorry for r-running into y-you um..." The Green Steve said not knowing the newcomers names.

Rainbow help Blue then the Green Steve off the ground.

"I'm Rainbow and this is Blue"

"Nice to meet you I'm-"

"Green!" The three Steves turn to see a green and blue Steve running to them.

"H-Hi P-Plague" Green smiled sheepishly.

"Why did you run off? We were worried" Plague huffed. He then notice Rainbow and Blue staring at them, "Oh hi, I'm Plague and this is my little brother Green"

Flashback over

Green had joined their journey, though Rainbow never learned why he joined or why he didn't talk about his brother along the way. When ever he brought up the subject, Green would remain silent and have a darken look. Their trip to that kingdom was the last time Rainbow seen Plague until the Rainbow Town. They didn't have time as Blue had fallen ill all of a sudden and everything had went down from there. 

After getting memories of Plague back, Rainbow has noticed that parts of his memories had some holes in them and believed that they won't come back at all which was fine, as long as they weren't important.

Anyways, after his mini freeze up, Plague then went on how Nightmare had sent him and Dark to look after two little boys who were Sabre and Lucas. In the end, Plague got really attach to Lucas only from watching from afar before Nightmare told them who the humans were previous.

Rainbow were happy for the brothers, but he couldn't help to wonder why Nightmare sent Dark to look after Sabre. Did him and Blue have a past with each other? If they did then what was their relationship? The second question sent a pang in the colorful Steve's heart. Upon regaining his memories of Blue, his feelings for him came back. Rainbow loved his best friend at the time and was going to ask him to be his but when he finally worked up the courage Blue was taken over by an evil Elder Blue Steve, leaving Blue extremely weak. Then not even a month later, killed by Cliff. Rainbow dreamed of him and Blue having a life together as more than friends, but Cliff had taken that from him. Cliff was the person who took the life of the person he loved the most and now is after his best friend. 


Rainbow snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to see a very familiar Steve standing nervously in front of him on the opposite side of the coffee table.

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