Chapter 18

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Three tentacles darted forward, each aimed for a particular person.


The first aimed towards the brothers and Rift as they were the closest group. Positive thought it would be either him or the former human who would be captured; not even for a second did the thought of Negative being the victim came across his head. Positive's widened as the appendage wrap around his brother then less than a second later was gone from his spot.

"Negative!" Positive screamed at the top of his lungs and tried to run after him but Rift held him back, "No! Let me go! I have to save him! I have to save my brother!"

"Positive, no you'll be captured too!" Rift said, it was taking everything in him to hold the red head back, "We have to group with the rest!"

It was hard but Rift manage to drag Positive to the other Steves, listening to the screams and begging for his brother.


The second aimed towards Nightmare and Echo, both easily dodged it and cut it off only for it to regrow once again. Nightmare had just cut it off when it darted towards Positive and Rift so they could get to the group.

"What is this thing made of?!" Nightmare huffed, he expected an answer, but he heard something that made his heart drop.

"Shadow no!"

The king turned to see three of his sons on the ground then was just in time to see the tentacle wrap around his grandson before pulling him away. Light and Lucas manage to grab an arm each, but they were knocked away by the second tentacle that came with it. The fear in Shadow's hazel eyes was present for everyone to see as he was pulled towards the corrupted man.

"Release him you monster!" Nightmare roared as he jumped to cut the appendage holding his grandson.

Before he could make contact, Nightmare was knocked away to the ground by an unknown force. Looking to see what stopped him from saving his grandson, Nightmare's red eyes widened at the sight of the end of an appendage sticking out of Echo's shoulder.


Giving the Steve a pain filled smile, Echo then started to fall to her knees when the tentacle pulled out of her shoulder and Nightmare manage to stop the fall.

"Echo, I-I'm" Nightmare began to panic.

"Protect your family Bee" Echo smiled weakly before she was forcefully pulled away from the being.

"No!" Nightmare tried to get a hold on her, but it was too late, "Echo!"

Now the Ender was held along with Negative and Shadow as though they were some sort of prize. All Nightmare could think is how he failed to protect his loved ones once again; how he failed his grandson who never lived as a child should and failed the one person that help his family so much. He barely registered his second youngest dragging him to everyone else but woke out of his shocked state feeling a slight sting from his sting.

"Snap out of it old man!" Plague shouted, "I know you, Dark and Positive are all worried about them but we have bigger cod to fry! For one, that thing wants Lucas and from what he said earlier, that chick and Sabre are also one his list, especially Sabre!"

Plague was about to do that same thing to Dark when Shadow's screams echoed threw out the room.

"Let me go!" Shadow sobbed, "Daddy! Help! I'm scared!"

That brought Dark out from wherever world he was in, "Shadow!"

"D-Dad" The young Steve whimpered, "Th-They're s-screaming, too l-loud, h-hurts."

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