Chapter 6

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"Blue?" Dark look into those soft grey eyes, now they have traces of blue in them.

"I-is that really you" Dark asked. His voice shakes along with the rest if his body; he couldn't believe he was hearing Blue's voice after all these years.

"Who else could it be?" Blue smirk before going into small cough fit. Just like Sabre, he had the effects of the fever.

Dark rubbed Blue's back to help ease him, once he stopped Dark asked, "H-how?"

Blue giggled softly, "I am a part if Sabre; I can take over if he allows me to or if he's unconscious, only if I have to."

"Why didn't you earlier?" Dark frowned. If Blue could have taken at any time, then why didn't he to make things easier?

Blue frowned, "There are two reasons Dark, the first, though I can't speak for Green, but I don't want to bring back any bad memories for anyone, especially Rainbow. Over the years I seen he's been haunted by dreams he could never remember. The second reason is, it's not my choice, Sabre is his own person, and I don't want anyone to think differently."

"Then why now?"

"Dark, I want you to think for a moment, what happened just before Cl-" Blue shutter a bit remembering that name and those memories but calmed down when the black Steve pulled him closer to comfort him, "Why do you think they came just after Rainbow had the ability to regain his memories? It was no coincidence."

"What do you mean?"

"Dark, they want Rainbow to suffer. That's all they wanted from the very beginning, but Green and I got in the way both times. Now they're going to make him suffer by making him relive his memories and at the same time doing everything all over again." Blue explained, "That's they ever wanted: to make Rainbow suffer."

"It all started when Memory gave up" Dark said in realization, "If he hadn't then..."

Dark remembered one day Memory said he was growing tired of erasing others memory and ruining their lives. No one could make him change his mind, it was the only way to return everyone's memories when they find a trigger.

"He told Rainbow that the only thing from his past was behind Sabre's bandanna" Blue smile sadly.

"The trigger were Sabre's eyes, wasn't it"

Blue just nodded, "Do not blame Memory; he is one if the younger ones, so he had no idea of the consequences that would have happened"

"I don't, he did what he thought was best, what he thought was right." Dark just sighed and look at Blue's eyes, "You don't need to go through this. Not you, Sabre, Lucas or Green. None of you"

It was when Blue reached up to wipe away something wet was when Dark realized he was crying.

"This is what the second time you seen me cry" Dark chuckled, "But you always bring out the other side of me. The side that I did not know that exist until I met you."

"It's funny" Blue laughed, "Just think you tried to destroy me and Rainbow when we first meet Dar."

Dark smiled at the nickname, he missed hearing it so much.

"Well I did the same with him, Sabre and Lucas" Dark smiled, "I seem to attack someone important when I first met them."

Blue laughed.

Dark ran his hand through the soft light brown hair but stopped when he noticed the ends were fading into white, "Blue?"

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"If, If you're part of him will you two fuse and look like..."

"No, as I said, he's his own person. He gains some of my features and a bit of my powers, besides that he's Sabre Favre"

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