Chapter 1

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Some parts will be the same as the original.


A year has passed since Nightmare had absolutely destroyed the Rainbow Town, leaving nothing but stone and bedrock. It was a heartbreaking day for both Sabre and Rainbow, especially for Rainbow who put and spent so much time there. Sabre does his best to cheer up his friend, but the loss of the town took its toll on him as well as he was the one who witness it while Rainbow was else where. What bothers them the most is the fact they don't know if or where anyone is. Plague, a Red Steve, a Green Steve, a Blue Steve and Ghost were the only ones there beside from Sabre and there's been no signs of them.

Sabre found Rainbow a week or so later, wondering about and it took everything in the brunet to tell his best friend the devastating news. Rainbow thought Sabre was joking, but he realized that the brunet won't joke about something like this and cried for the lost of his home. The Rainbow town was a safe haven for the Steves and now it's gone. It took them a few days to morn for their lost before Sabre decided they should move on and create a new place for them and the Steves to stay. That didn't take long and found a patch of land filled with flowers and water on one side; to them it was perfect. First they make a house to live in before expanding outwards and downwards, though it wasn't as big as the Rainbow Town and didn't have the Rainbow Tree of Life, but it was home.

During that time, Rainbow was trying to regain/remember how to use his powers so far he could fly a bit and spawn a bit of water. Besides that, nothing. Sabre thought it was because he lost his memories is the reason his powers are suppressed, well according to his thought process and the books he read about Steves; there weren't much of those to begin with. Without any other explanation, the colorful Steve agreed and tried to remember who he is with Sabre helping him.

Now months later after settling in, Sabre and Rainbow were walking in a forest, a bit away from the place they call home. They were out looking for supplies to expand their home or stuff that might come in handy or that could jog Rainbow's memories. The Steve went to pick some berries he noticed while Sabre take inventory what they have and what else he could hold in his satchel (aka inventory). Just as Rainbow went to pick one of the last berries, he noticed something in the trees, watching him. Dropping everything he picked, Rainbow ran to Sabre who had look up hearing footsteps.

"S-Sabre! S-Something is watching us" Rainbow whimpered, hiding behind the brunet.

As odd it is, a Steve with powers hiding behind someone who has nothing more than an iron sword, Rainbow found being around the brunet made him feel safe. Sabre shouted for who ever is out there to show themselves. 

Who is was did, or did it?

Neither Rainbow nor Sabre could remember what occurred the pass few minutes, only that they were in a forest with more items in Sabre's satchel than earlier. Confused, the two continued of their way, only to find themselves wondering how it was nearing night so fast when the sun was high in the sky not to long ago. Rainbow thought time flew, but Sabre felt something else was off. When he tries to remember, he sees someone in a tuxedo before everything flashes white. The brunet tried to explain this to his friend; unfortunately, every time their memories get wiped, Rainbow forgets and Sabre becomes more frustrated. 

So Sabre keeps it to himself after a few tries, until, one day he figured it out from reading and his own theories. It turns out it was a Steve called Memory. If someone looks directly at him, then they can lose some or all of their memories leading up to another theory of his: Memory is the reason why Rainbow forgotten who he is. As much as he wanted to tell Rainbow, he didn't want to give false information and continue to research. 

He found that Memory's powers work effectively only on Steves, Rainbow would have done the same thing multiple times; however, it does not work well on humans. For Sabre, the effects are only temporary thanks to the Deja vu sensation that humans possessed, perks of being human. Once Sabre got everything, he went to explained everything to Rainbow. At first Rainbow thought Sabre had gone crazy, but remembered the chicken man is usually this crazy and believed him. Ever since, Sabre and Rainbow have been looking for a way to negate the Steve's power to erase memories. 

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