Chapter 5

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"Oh, Nightmare, it's actually two against four"

Just as Cliff said that, Lucas was grabbed by the waist and was hauled up off his feet.

"Let me go!" Lucas screamed.

"Let Lucas and Sabre go Rift"

"Oh Rainbow~ I think it's time for you to regain more of your memories, don't you agree"



"Lucas! Let him go!" Sabre cried. He couldn't do anything to help his friend. He hopelessly watches as Lucas going through what he had just hours ago, but this was worse as he felt useless.

Suddenly, a fireball was fire at Rift, Sabre, and Lucas by Rainbow after he let out a painful scream. Dark and Plague manage to use that as a distraction to get the two humans away from Rift who managed to teleport over to Cliff, grab him then disappeared into the night.

Rainbow fainted moments after he shot the fire ball from exhaustion, thankfully Nightmare caught him before he fell onto the ground. The corrupted Steve then managed to put the colorful one on his back while Plague and Dark walk to him with Lucas and Sabre in each of their arms.

"Nightmare" Plague said concern.

"We are going back it is no longer safe. Dark tell Shadow to get the others and bring them home."

"Done" The original enemies of the humans and the colorful Steve started to walk deeper into the forest.


It was about 10 minutes later when Rainbow woke up. He realized that he was being carried on Nightmare's back and seen that Plague holding an unconscious Lucas with scratches on him and Dark holding an exhausted Sabre with tears stains on his cheeks.

"W-what happened?" Rainbow croaked out, "Wh-Where are we going?"

"We are taking you three to the Nightmare Dimension" Nightmare started to explain, "it's the one of the few places where those two can't reach us without my permission; not that they'll ever get it. We figured it would be a safe place for Sabre and Lucas for the time being"

Rainbow nodded, "Why are you helping us? Why now?"

Nightmare stayed silent for a moment before answering,

"That is something I cannot fully explain, we cared for your past and present friends. You may not fully remember, but Dark and Plague were connected to Blue and Green one way or another, respectively. The same goes for now, all I can hope is that they don't treat Sabre and Lucas as Blue and Green. *sign* As for me, well, I've grown fond of them"

Rainbow was surprise to hear this from the Nightmare King, he didn't think he ever cared about anyone.

"Do you think you can stand on your own for a bit? I need to check how far we are from the portal"

"Um, yeah I guess"

The older Steve let Rainbow off him but kept an arm around him to help support him after the younger almost fell over. Dark and Plague had stopped to hear how far they were and not to lose the two. Once Rainbow maintain his balance, Nightmare let him go then got a map and compass from his satchel.

"If we continue at this pace, we'll reach the portal less than an hour, hopefully those two won't wake up any time soon" Nightmare put his stuff away then was about to get Rainbow to get on his back again.

"I-I'm good w-walking" Rainbow said, he was a bit embarrassed to be carried by his former enemy.

Nightmare raised any eyebrow and said in an unconvinced voice, "Really?"

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