Chapter 19

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Dark expected to feel pain then nothing, what he didn't expect was feeling his baby in his arms or a calming sensation flow around him. Opening his eyes, Dark seen a crystal shield surrounding all of them.

"No, no, no, it can't be!" Cliff screamed; he was not looking at them but behind him.

Behind the slimy entity was Rainbow and Reverse, in between the was no other Sabre though it wasn't Sabre at the same time. Dark would have thought the brunet at first but instantly seeing blue eyes instead of the black bandanna or those beautiful grey eyes that he would get lost in and could look in them for-

'Not now' Dark said in his head and pushed those thoughts in the back of his head for later.

Everyone noticed that Sabre was not in control, even Positive and Negative who were unaware of who Sabre previously was.

"B-Blue!" Cliff said happily and took a step forward only to stop hearing the anger in his brother's voice.

"Don't you dare take another step!" Sabre/Blue shouted making the monster flinch, "You are an absolute idiot Beige! Doing all of this just to get me back after hurting my friends and killing me!"

"Little brother-"

"Don't you dare call me that! I'm not your brother, not after you hurt Rainbow, not after killing, not after destroying a family that did nothing wrong, and definitely not after you bringing me back to take over Sabre's life! My time is up Beige! You decided that the moment you came after me! This is Sabre's life! Not mine! I'm gone, Sabre is here!" Blue roared.

Everyone was surprised when Cliff flinch at Blue's words, seemed he had a big effect on his former brother.


"Green!" Blue shouted.

Glowing vines darted from the ground and wrapped themselves around the monster, rendering him immobile. Plague noticed the energy and look at Lucas.


The blonde turned around for everyone to see forest green eyes instead of sky blue, "Hey big brother *looks at Rift* hi uncle"

"G-Green?" Plague gasped then to Rift, "Wait, uncle?!"

Rift rubbed the back of his neck and had a sheepish smile, "Yeah... there's something we need to talk about later, heh"

Green giggled then glanced at the rest of the Steves and grinned, "Hi everyone! I'm glad to meet all of you!"

"You too, um, Green" Nightmare greeted back before turning his attention back to the standoff in front of them.

"Remember what papa told us when we were kids?" Blue asked but didn't give the thing a chance to answer, "Karma will always come back to those who deserves it"

"And like you drained Negative's energy; I'll drain yours!" Green growled, the sweet and innocent personality now gone.

The vines around Cliff glowed green, in reaction the monster let out a horrific roar. Blue summoned a bow and arrow.

"And just like you injuried that girl, feel her pain!" Blue fired his water arrows that went through the monster's body.

Rainbow watch Sabre/Blue do his thing and couldn't help but think of Blue being there in person, not just a voice. It didn't happen much, but when Blue got angry, he look so hot that Rainbow just wanted to slam him against a wall and kiss the living daylight out of him. Seeing the mess Blue would be in after that just makes Rainbow was to-

"Dude" Reverse pushed Rainbow's shoulder, "now's not the time to daydream about your boyfriend, those two can only hold on for so long"

"R-Right!" Rainbow blushed, "Blue, we need to regroup with the rest!"

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