Chapter 2

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The moment Sabre said his name, the moment everything clicked in Rainbow's mind, everything Memory had told them. While the Steve was lost in memory land, Sabre was at a lost on what to do; his best friend shouted a name he never heard of before freezing and going into a daze. In a flash, the human saw all sorts of emotions fly through his orange eyes, pain and sadness being the most apparent. When the brunet calls Rainbow by name to wake him up from whatever trance he was in, the Steve did not react.

"Rainbow, please talk to me" Sabre begged as he shook the color Steve, "I'm getting worried, please!"

Tears gathered in his eyes as fear continues to set in, he was scared for his friend. Deciding that standing around will not help, Sabre went to get help as it beats standing around and not doing anything. Just as he backed away from his frozen friend to turn around, someone grabbed him from behind and hoisted him up off the ground and away from Rainbow. Sabre's first instinct was to get out of whoever had him hold; unfortunately, the person was very strong and had a strong grip on him so Sabre could not get loose.

The human flailed his arms and legs hoping to land a hit on the person. He needs to fight to defend both him and Rainbow in case the person wants to hurt either one of them.

"Let me go!" Sabre shouted.

"Now why would I do that little Sabre?" The man chuckled.

The brunet was about to let out a scream, when the man covered his mouth to muffle any sound he made, not only that the man covers Sabre's nose leaving him nowhere to breath. The grey eyed male felt himself get lightheaded from the lack of oxygen; his struggles lessen and the feeling of passing out draw near.

The man smirked, 'Just a bit longer'

Unfortunately, he did not have 'a bit longer'.

Rainbow felt himself come back to the real world and let out a gasp feeling everything come back to him. He remembered everything: his friends, his adventures, the fights, everything. Now he knows why Memory said Sabre's eyes were so important, they were just like Blue's in every way. Just as he looked up to tell Sabre what happened and what Memory said was true, Rainbow was met with a barely conscious Sabre being held by a man with dark blue eyes and black hair wearing a dark blue cloak that hid the rest of his clothing.

"Sabre!" Rainbow was about to take a step forward to help his friend but froze in his tracks when the man held a stone sword to Sabre's neck.

Even though the situation was dangerous, the human was finally given a chance to breathe which he accepted greatly. Getting his breath back, Sabre realized the sword then seen Rainbow was out of his daze.

"Now, now, you wouldn't want to do anything rash do you?" The man said as he put the sword closer to the grey-eyed boy who tried to shrink back away from it.

"R-Rainbow" Sabre whimpered.

Without hid bandanna, Rainbow can see all the emotions that filled his friend's eyes and for the first time, the Steve wished that Sabre had his bandanna. Within those grey orbs, fear was the most present out of everything and Rainbow did not like that at all. Fear was something he never seen in Sabre, even in a worst-case scenario.

"W-what do you want?! Let Sabre go!" Rainbow took a step forward only to take it back when he saw the man put the sword closer to Sabre's neck.

"Unfortunately, I can't." The man looks down at Sabre then back to Rainbow, "You don't remember who I am do you?"

"N-no. Am I s-suppose to?" The man chuckled as he put away the sword then he grabs Sabre's shoulder.

"Maybe this can remind you" The man buried his nails into Sabre's shoulder hard enough to make him scream out in pain and cause blood leak out.

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