Chapter 7

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While Rainbow and Nightmare were walking to the castle, the former was trying to comprehending the words Nightmare told him and that was barley what the older Steve had to tell him, not including stuff about everyone else.

"Hey, Nightmare?"

"Yes Rainbow?"

"Can you tell me what with happen will to Sabre and Lucas? Will they be like Blue and Green?"

"Yes and no, they will be the same humans you've known and care for. Though their appearance will have small changes as their past and their present selves merge with each other"

"Will they have their memories?"

"No, Sabre and Lucas are humans so our ways will not work with them. Besides I don't think Blue or Green would like to merge memories because of the events that had happen years ago" Nightmare said. 

He doesn't want those two humans to see the events that happened, they already suffered enough. Rainbow understood what Nightmare meant, maybe it was for the best.

"Hey Rainbow, what ever happened to Lucas? I haven't seen him even before I, um, destroyed the Rainbow Town" Nightmare laugh nervously. He felt very guilty for destroying their home months ago, "I'm so sorry for what I had done to the three of you especially you and Sabre"

Rainbow gave him a small smile, "Nightmare, Sabre told me when I was angry about bad things happened 'you can't live in the past, but you can live in the present and hope for a better future"

"That is very wise, especially for Sabre" Both Steves shared a laugh, "Now about Lucas..."

"Oh, from what Sabre told me, he had to go to his world to look after Light, Silver, and Gene. Sabre said that there was a dark presence in Lucas' world that could have been a threat to the others. It did kidnap Light, but that was to protect him; I don't know the whole story though. They did end up together and had Silver. For some odd reason, Nightmare's eyes widen at one of the names, but asked about another.

"Who is Silver?"

"He's Light's son. He and his husband had Silver a few years ago, I think he's like 10 now or close to it. Anyways Lucas just got back before Sabre and I went to fight Memory, and Sabre just barley finish telling him about everything that had happened before we had to go." 

Rainbow rub the back of his neck; he felt guilty for not helping Sabre to explain what had happened to Lucas, and even worse when he dragged Sabre away from him.  Cousins who haven't seen each other for over a year finally meet up only to be separate to help others once again.

"I see." Nightmare hummed.

"So how come Sabre and Lucas are the reincarnations of Blue and Green? Wouldn't they be Steves instead of humans?"

"That's where it gets a bit complicated" The older closed his eyes to think about what he was about to say, "Like I said before, a Steve cannot simple die unwillingly; there are ways to bring them back. It is like how Sabre brought back several Steves all those times. However, Blue and Green died willingly, meaning they should not have return as a Steve or a human. I believe something or someone made it so that their spirits could merge with another. So, in a way Sabre and Lucas are not technically Blue or Green's reincarnations; more like their spirits fused with them, we just call it that because nothing else explains it" 

(Reincarnation is the only thing I came up with. It's more like their spirits combining)

Rainbow look down in shame, he was supposed to be this all-powerful Steve, yet he was not strong enough to save his two previous best friends. Nightmare put his hands-on Rainbow shoulders getting to look into the Nightmare King's eyes.

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