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"Mom", this was the first word that came out of Aarvik's mouth.

"Periamma (aunty)", Rakshan also whispered.

Almost everyone stood numb there, by seeing Charumathi.

"Mom, why did you tried to kill Aitri? I thought you are seeing her as your own daughter but no here my mom is trying to kill her own daughter-in-law", Aarvik shouted.

"Why mom? I never did anything wrong to you then why are you trying to kill me?", Aitri asked looking at Charumathi.

"To save herself from going to jail", a voice came.

They all turned towards the voice. There stood Mukilan.

"What are you saying Muki? Why will mom try to kill Aitri to save herself?", Aarvik asked him.

"Your mom is not the real culprit Aarvik. My dad Mr. Vasudevan is the real culprit. He is the mastermind behind everything", saying this Mukilan pulled his dad and threw him on the floor.

"You have gone out of your mind Mukilan. Vasudevan is a loyal friend of mine. He is the one who even revealed the real face of Natrajan to me", Haridas said and tried to make Vasudevan get up.

"Uncle, this man, my so called father cheated you all. That is the ultimate truth whether you believe it or not. Dad, I am ashamed to call you as my father. See how much your friends trust you and you just played with their trust.", Mukilan shouted at his father.

"Stop blaming him Muki. Vasu is the most loyal member of the family who knows the password for our family bank account. He never once broke our trust", The great queen Thenambal warned Mukilan.

"Exactly you are right. That is where he got caught. When Aarvik said that the money has been transferred to that murderer from the royal family's joint account. I guessed that is my dad only. Thiyagu uncle never uses that account because he uses the business account which is given to him. Haridas uncle will never try to kill Aitri and Aarvik. So, obviously it is left with my dad being the only option. I went directly to him and asked him about his deeds. This man then said about all his deeds and guess what he is not repenting at all", Mukilan said looking at his father venomously.

"Uncle, Tell me why you did these things? For what?", Aarvik asked him by controlling his anger.

"For my revenge", Vasudevan said with a smirk.

"From whom?", Rakshan asked.

"From him", Vasudevan pointed towards Natrajan.

"What from me?", Natrajan asked him questioningly.

"Yes, from you. I was the one who was close friend of both Sahasra and Haridas before you came in our life. After that, you have become their favourite. They stopped hanging out with me much. I may forgive you for that. But you even stole my love from me. My Sharadha, I couldn't forgive you for that. When I proposed her, she rejected me saying that she is in love with you. I couldn't able to see you living happily with Sharadha. So, I made a plan. I tried killing Aryan first but that was a complete failure because Haridas was always around Aryan when Sharadha came for her delivery. Then I thought why killing Aryan, I should kill the new born for whom Natrajan is waiting for and then I can put the blame on Sahasra. But Sahasra rescued Aitri that night. He made me believe that the baby is dead. Somehow, I too believed it. Natrajan believed that Sahasra is the one who killed his baby and their friendship broke. I told Hari that Natrajan is the one who never wanted a daughter in his family as he thought a girl baby to be a curse. Thus, Hari broke his friendship with Natrajan too. But I never expected Sharadha to turn mad. One side I was happy for that she rejected me for Natrajan and now she is not living her life happily.", Vasudevan gave his explanation.

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