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"Doctor whatever you want to say, please convey.", I told her. "Aitri is fine but due to her phobia she may get some panic attacks in the next few days. So please take good care of her. And keep her away from fire for two to three days. Or if she is near fire make sure someone is with her that time. She will wake in 30 minutes.", saying this she left.

"Don't worry she will be fine", Chiko said. We all went inside after sometime. I went and sat on the bed. I held Aiyu's hand. She woke up. "Are you ok?", I asked her. She just gave me a nod. Everyone started asking about her health. After sometime all the elders left leaving our gang alone.

"Aiyu are you ok? I feel it is all because of the curse", Chiko said. "There is no curse or nothing I saw that there was wire shortage in kitchen when I entered. The accident happened due to that only", I told her. "You are right Anna(elder brother) that is what even fire service people said after putting out fire", Rakshan said. "Take care Aiyu", Aathu said. She had tears in her eyes. Chiko bid goodbye as she got call from her dad at that time. When she was about to go she bumped into someone. Before she can fell, he caught her. It was our childhood buddy Mukilan, Vasudevan uncle's son.

"You should keep your eyes in front when you walk beautiful", Mukilan said. Oh boy he is in trouble. Never mess with Chiko. "Oh then I can say the same thing to you mister Prince charming", Chiko said sarcastically. "So you are a fierce cat", he said by pulling her up. "No I am a fierce tiger", saying this she left. "She is hot man", he said while coming in.

"Stay away, otherwise she may burn you", Pradhi said. Mukilan was also our friend from childhood like Pradhu, Aathu and Aiyu. He did his MBA in IIM. He was always studious from childhood.

"You didn't even attend our wedding. You have become that busy I suppose", I said looking at him.

"Arrey nothing like that. Yesterday night only I came from Chennai after a consignment. I was out of village for a month. Then dad called me and said that Aiyu went through a fire accident. So I came to visit my strawberry", he said.

I somewhere felt jealous when he called Aiyu with nickname. I mean she is my wife. "Possessive much" my brain mocked me.

"How is my cranberry and blueberry?", he asked Aathu and Pradhu. He is going to get from Rakshan now. "She is fine till now", Rakshan went and stood beside Aathu.

"Wow man, Princes are so possessive for their princesses I suppose", he said mockingly looking at us. "Still my blueberry is free for me", he went near Pradhu.

"You came to meet Aiyu or to flirt with the girls", Dhruv asked him by standing in front of Pradhu. This is something which I never expected.

"How are you strawberry?", he asked her and sat on the other side of the bed. "I am fine Jackfruit", she said. "Jackfruit", we all three brothers shouted. "Yup he is our Jackfruit. We used to call him that way as he call us with berries names", Aathu said excitedly. Something is burning. Rakshan's stomach for sure. "It's cute right?", Pradhu asked us. Oh man! Someone else is also burning. I am going to laugh out loud any second now.

After speaking for something, Mukilan started to leave. "Strawberry if your husband is not taking care of you, you can call me anytime", he said winking at her. "That won't be necessary", I told him sternly. "Everyone is possessive here.", he said looking at me and my brothers. "When you will fall in love, then you will know why we are possessive", Rakshan said. This is the first time he is saying openly that he is in love with Aathika.

"Anyways, whenever you guys need help don't hesitate to ask me.", Mukilan said and left. Others also left the room after sometime. "Viku, I think someone desperately made wire shortage", Aiyu said looking at me.

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