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What happened to Chiko and her dad all of a sudden? What happened in a night? They were the one who said that they are ready for marriage.

"What happened dear?", my mother asked Chiko looking at her.

"Aunty, the spirit it tried killing me last night stating that she will murder me if I marry Aarvik", Chiko said.

"What nonsense are you speaking?", Dhruv asked her while coming to the hall.

"I think she drank too much yesterday", Rakshan said.

"Will she drink alcohol?", My mother asked looking at me

"Just wine aunty", Chiko said. This girl, she really has no brain. No one in our family touches alcohol, even we three never consumed it ever in our lives.

"Dear, you would have had a bad dream after hearing all the story what my MIL said yesterday", Parvathi aunty said

"No, my daughter's decision is final. You have no idea how she shouted yesterday night. When I entered her room she was just screaming on bed", Vikram uncle said.

"Chiko listen you would have had a bad dream like mom said. Tomorrow is our engagement", I told her.

"No, NOOOOO", She shouted.

"I have an idea Aarvik. Why don't you marry a girl for six months? If she survives then you divorce her and marry my daughter the next day. I don't mind, if she dies then also no problem. You can marry my daughter after that since the curse states only the first DIL of royal family will die", Vikram uncle said.

"This is total bullshit.", I shouted.

"Aarvik this is the only option you have otherwise forget Chaaya", saying this Vikram uncle pulled Chiko with her.

"Dad one second", Chiko said.

"Aarvik I want to live with you forever. Please get married to some girl for six months", Chiko said turning around.

I looked stunned.

My grandmother asked me to come to her room. I went inside her room after few minutes she started the conversation.

"Listen to us. If you want her to live with you happily, then you have to marry some other girl", my grandmother said firmly.

"Just because I want to live happily with the person I love I cannot destroy another person's life", I said firmly.

"But you are the one who said that you don't believe in these stupid curses. Then marry the girl we show you.", my mother said.

"Yes, I still don't believe that stupid curse. But what will happen to the life of the girl after six months. Where will she go after I divorce her?",I asked them.

"First let her survive those six months.", my grand mother said.

"How are you so sure she will not survive? I feel like you all itself will kill her if she survives after six months", I shouted at them.

"Don't you want to live with your love of life. If she survives then we will see.", my mother this time.

"Dad, why don't you say something.", I pulled my dad into this conversation. I am sure he can convince my mother and grandmother.

"Son, listen to them. They are saying for your benefit only. I lost my love because I also spoke the same words what you have said. But I lost her. I love your mom but still she died because of me.", my dad said with tears in his eyes. I know he is still feeling guilty of the death of his first wife. But that was total coincidence. She had cancer which is not known to anyone.

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