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Dhruv has gone mad. Today he has crossed all his limits. I won't leave him today. I just went and slapped him directly.

"Are you gone out of your mind Dhruv? Do you know to whom you are speaking?", I asked him angrily. I know the whole palace is watching us.

" I very well know to whom I am speaking. You just don't know the reality.", He spatted his words on me.

"Dhruv stay in your limits. I think you forgot the word respect all of a sudden", Aarvik Anna(elderbrother) also started shouting.

"You guys are the one who should know the reality, not me", Dhruv said again with his eyes full of rage.

"Dhruv whatever the thing is you can't accuse a person like this without any proof", Aitri Anni (SIL) came to calm the situation.

"I have enough proof with me. You all only should check the details and ask this murderer to go to jail", before Dhruv could complete his sentence another thud sound has been heard.

"If I would have known that you will accuse my wife like this then I myself would have killed you with my own hands", our dad stood in furiously by looking at Dhruv.

Yes, Dhruv is accusing our mother Parvathi to be a murderer!

"Dad she is the one who killed our mother and your wife "Gauri". How can you support her like this?", Dhruv asked him.

What the hell is he saying? Parvathi mom is our mom. Where did dad's first wife come from?

"Rakshan do you know what is your blood group?", Dhruv asked me.

"Yea. We both have same blood group B positive", I told him. But my mind is not working at the moment.

"Dad your blood group and this murderer's blood group is also A positive. Then how come we both get B positive as our blood group? Do you know why Rakshan because our mother Gauri's blood group is B positive", Dhruv said this and broke down his tears.

I won't believe anybody except my mother. The mother who fainted after hearing my situation, the mother who kept a lot of fasting for our wellness, the mother who always pampered us is not our mother actually. No way. It is highly impossible. Not even for a second in our entire life she treated us like that. She gave us the love more than Charu periamma gave for Aarvik Anna. How can this be possible? Moreover, dad's first wife passed away but wait how can I miss the fact that she was pregnant. Is Dhruv saying the truth? Is Parvathi mom is really not our mother? I know a correct person who can answer all this.


I went directly towards her. She had tears in her eyes which spoke to me thousands of words that she couldn't.

"Mom, Don't think about what this Dhruv said? I know you are my mom. I am your son right. You are the one who bought me to this world? I am your own son right? Tell me mom? I don't care about any medical science or any proof against you. For me you are the justice. I know that my own justice will never lie to me. Promise on me and say that I am your son", I asked her.

"You trust her Rakshan. She will definitely promise on you. Whether you die or..", before Dhruv can complete the sentence, "I am not your birth mother", Mom said.

I took her hand from my head immediately.

"Aunty what are you saying?", Aarvik Anna asked her. "Parvathi Are you in your sense what are you saying?", Charu Periamma asked her.

But I know what she said is true. Because mom never lies to me. Never ever. But the bitter truth is she was lying to us all this while. She is not my real mom.

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