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What is she saying? I didn't even unpack the dress after getting it from the shop. Then how will the dress disappear.

"Viku, someone gave you a dress for 10 year old kid not for me", Aiyu said to me.

This girl is going to make me crazy. That dress is for her and she is thinking it is for 10 year old.

"Aitri, that dress is for you. It is not for any 10 year old girl", I told her patiently. She picked out the dress and kept it on her above it just reached till her mid tighs.

"NO WAY I AM GOING TO WEAR THIS. IT IS ALMOST LIKE HALF NAKED", She shouted deafening my ears.

"Aitri this dress is not half naked. If you want don't wear something in the top, wear something in the bottom alone. Then you will be half naked", just after I completed my sentence I heard a thud sound. She slapped me.

"You have become a total pervert AARVIK", Aiyu shouted. "Excuse me, did you just slap me? I didn't ask somebody else's wife to wear this dress. I am asking my wife who I tied nuptial chain with my own hands, to wear this dress. You know what, I will ask Maya to wear this dress. I think she got to know that Dhruv is not for her, she said to me today morning that Dhruv said he is not interested in her that is why she left to visit her friend. Tomorrow I will give her this dress and ask her to go on a date with me", this time again I heard a thud sound. Damn, she again slapped me.

"DON'T YOU DARE ASK THAT MONGOOSE MAYA TO GO ON A DATE WITH YOU. I will wear this dress", saying this she snatched the dress from me and went to change.

I switched off the lights and lighten the scented candles which I bought yesterday when we went for shopping. After 20 minutes, I heard the knob unlocking sound. I turned my gaze towards the beauty who is standing in front of me. Man! She is the most beautiful and hottest girl I have seen in my life and she is all mine. She is not wearing this dress in front of anyone except me. It is perfectly showing her curves.

She started to lower her dress a bit more but that is making to show her cleavage more. I just went near her and held her waist. "You are more than beautiful, my queen", I whispered in her ears. She blushed.

I played "Nenjukul peithidum maa mazhai" song from "Vaaranam Aayiram. "It is my fav song Viku", saying this she jumped. Her hairs flew like a silk.

"Can I have the dance, Mrs. Aitri Aarvik?", I forwarded my hand to her. She took it and we danced till the end of the song.

When the song ended I saw her eyes, it had tears.

"Aiyu, I am sorry if you are not comfortable in this dress. Go and change", I told her. But she grabbed my hands and said thank you.

"I have never been treated like this Viku. After you left, my aunty treated me like a trash and that Jagan he used to abuse me verbally and emotionally whenever he gets chance. Pradhu and Aathu already had their own issues. I sometimes even thought for whom should I live? Then you came, we got married in an unwanted circumstances. But honestly, now I want to live with you. I know you are not ready. But I have fallen for you Viku. My heart has fallen for you. My mind is saying that you still love Chaaya but my heart is betraying me", she sobbed.

Did I hear it right? Is she confessing her love to me? OMG! AITRI LOVES ME! I don't know what came over me. I just pulled her and kissed her. She didn't reciprocate first, but then slowly she started responding. We don't know when we started moving and we fell on the couch and exactly at that time something unexpected happened.

A bullet was shot by someone which hit the wall. Thank god we both fell on the couch otherwise Aitri would have got hit by that bullet. We both pulled away.

I immediately got up from the couch and saw that a person with a mask was standing at a distance aiming our house with a gun. I immediately started to march towards him but someone pulled me from back. Aitri, she is damn scared. She hugged me tightly.

"Aiyu, nothing will happen. I am there. Don't worry", I composed her. Now, I am damn sure. There is nothing called curse. Someone is behind this stupid thing but how for all these years? I have to get to know about it through some one. I asked her to change the dress. She nodded and went away.

Rakshan came in, perfectly at that time. "Anna(elder brother) did something happen here?", he asked me. Aathika was shivering behind him like she saw a ghost.

"Aathu go and change", I told her. She gave me a nod and saw Rakshan and left.

"How do you know that something happened here?", I asked him. "When we were returning from restaurant I saw a guy who was wearing mask. He almost got hit by us. When we got down we saw that the guy was holding a gun which will be used by professional killers. Aathika got shocked because he was wounded too. But before we can go near him, a van came and picked him. He dropped his wallet in a hurry. I just bought that with me.", Rakshan finished.

"Let Dhruv also come then we will see what to do.", I told him and also asked him to freshen up.

Dhruv and Pradhu came after sometime. Pradhu threw her mini hand bag in couch and came near me.

"Aarvik ask your brother to keep his hands to himself and also tell him to stay away from me at least 10 feet away. Next time, if he came near me then forget that you had this drunken monkey as your brother. Because I will kill him the next second he comes near me. I hate you DRUNKEN MONKEY", Pradhu stamped her left foot and went away.

I looked at Dhruv for explanation.

"Anna, she is just over reacting.", Dhruv stopped. "What you did man? Pradhi almost choked me to death saying that if you ever come near her she will kill me.", Rakshan also joined.

"I.. Ijustkissedherinthepartyinfrontofeveryone", he said in one go. "What? You kissed her in the party in front of everyone. I hope that's what you said", I asked him. I am good in guessing people's fast words.

"Yea, she went and danced with a guy who was touching her improperly. Just to show in front of everyone she is mine, I kissed her. Now, I actually feel bad not because I kissed her. She slapped me and also I was listening to her rebuking till I reach this house. My ears have blood just look at it. Damn! This woman", Dhruv after finishing fell on the couch.

"I think you should convey your feelings to her. Without saying anything if someone kisses a girl what will she think? This is not London Dhruv. She is born and brought up in India and that too in village. Though our village is modern enough in thoughts still she is a girl who has her own expectations, right? Tell her about your feelings.", I told him what I felt.

"I will tell her on the day Nilan and Shivani is getting married.", Dhruv said.

"Rakshan shall we check the wallet?", I asked him. Dhruv was looking confused. I told him what happened. He was shocked at the same time the girls also joined us.

We all sat down on the couch. Pradhu was sitting totally at the far side from Dhruv. We were checking the wallet. There were some money, a family picture I think it will be of that killer and then we found a visiting card of a person. The name in the card which we least expected was there.










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