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When we were dancing the current went off. I saw something shining which is nearing Anni (SIL). I pushed her. The person who held knife came near me and someone closed my mouth from behind. He continuously stabbed me thrice or four times. I don't know after that what happened everything went dark.

Then suddenly I felt a light which is hitting my face. I saw a gate which has been opened and some people were entering inside. I thought to go inside and check what is in there. But when I almost neared the gate, someone pulled me. A woman of almost my mother's age was standing there. I couldn't see her face clearly but her touch made me feel something.

"You cannot go inside now. Your time didn't come yet. You are the one who should protect your both the brothers and also your SIL. They need you, son. You know why your mother kept your name as Rakshan because you are going to be the protector of this family. As they thought, so you become. You are one of the best in martial arts in the world", she said. How did she know all these things? Except Anna(elder brother) and Dhruv nobody knows that I am world champion in martial arts. Even my parents don't know about it. They just know that I am trained in martial arts. But this lady, she is saying as if she saw everything.

"How do you know all this?", I asked her. "I know everything about you. Your mother fainted after getting to know about your condition. Moreover a girl is waiting for you with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life. Go in the opposite direction of this gate.", she patted my shoulders.

"My mother fainted? Omg! How is she now?", I asked her. "She is good now. You should leave son, immediately", this time she pushed me away after saying this. When I started to leave, she stopped me.

"Remember, a SIL is equal to a mother. Elder brother is equal to a father. Younger brother is equal to a son. Wife is a better half. Younger brother's wife should be treated as a daughter. Friends are the family we choose. You should protect all these people, Rakshan. They all need you. You are the only one who can save them from all miseries. And what you did for your Anni(SIL) is something no son would have done for his mother too. I am sure Parvathi will be proud to have you as her son. ", she said. I just gave her a nod. But where did younger brother's wife came from? Maybe when Dhruv get someone as crazy as him. How she knows my mother's name?

But I wanted to ask her one question. "Do I know you?", I turned and asked her. "You will know me when time comes.", saying this she vanished. I left from that place.

I took a long breath and I saw that I was in hospital. A man in the white coat turned towards me. He is a doctor.

"Medical miracle", he said. Then I saw Anna(elder brother), Anni(SIL), Dhruv, Pradhu, Chiko, Mukilan and Aathu standing with their eyes sockets popping out. Everyone's eyes had dark circles. I think they didn't sleep last night. I felt a pain in my abdomen. The doctor rushed towards me and came to check me.


"I am sorry...", when the doctor started to say we all already guessed what he was about to say.

But suddenly Rakshan took a long breathe. God! He is alive. Not only us even the doctor himself was in shock.

"Medical miracle", this is the first thing which came from his mouth. Rakshan looked at all of us. Then I think he suddenly felt pain where he was stabbed. Doctor asked us to go out so that he can do his tests.

We came out. At the same time all the elders of our family came. Even Parvathi aunty was standing with them.

"What happened to Rakshan?", grandmother asked us.

"He woke up. Our Aathu is really a Savitri who fought with Yamraj and bought Rakshan back", Dhruv said and lightened everyone's mind. I noticed that Parvathi aunty going near Aathu.

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