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After all the rituals, I was left alone in Viku's room. My MIL sorry Amma bought my dinner in the room itself. After the dinner I decided to freshen up. I was wearing the same heavy saree from morning. I went inside the bathroom and got freshen up. I forgot to bring my clothes. Thank god Viku's bathroom had a new towel in the cupboard. I wrapped myself in that and came outside. When I was about to take my dress from my bag I saw a cockroach. From my childhood I hate these cockroaches .

"AHHHHHHH", I shouted at the top of my voice. I started to run around the room.

Suddenly the room door got opened. I saw Viku was standing there and he was looking stunned. Why the hell he is looking like as if he saw something odd? He is not afraid of cockroach from childhood unlike me. I just ran to him and hugged him tight.

"Vi.. Viku... th... there is a cockroach there", I said slurring. He still didn't move a bit. This guy is really crazy. Then I shook him, he came back to senses. He went in the direction where I said the cockroach was and took that in his hand. Yuck! I don't know how he is taking that in his hand. He threw it away. Then again he looked at me from top to bottom.

I turned towards the mirror. OMG! I am just in my towel. That is why he is looking at me like this. I suddenly got conscious and tried to cover my body with my hands. Viku started coming towards me. I just moved back and I hit the wall. I was about to turn away but he blocked me with both his hands.

"V.. Viku.. I have.. to change", I said. But his eyes were so dark. His eyes showed some unknown emotions.

"You should stop getting frightened for silly things", he whispered in my ears. It sent shivers in my body. I just nodded. I pushed his hands away and took my clothes. He laughed hysterically. He is going to tease me to death. I came out and saw that he is sitting in bed.

Again he started to laugh. "Will you stop laughing?", I said with anger. "It was a nice show", saying this he winked at me. I blushed. I know what he was talking about. I went near him and took a pillow from bed and started to hit him hardly. I held both my hands and pulled me to bed. I started to get away but it is of no use.

"Hitting your husband on first night is not good wifey", he said. "Teasing your wife on first night is not good hubby", I told him still struggling to free my hands. "Well, first night itself is to tease each other you know", saying this he raised his eyebrows. I blushed. "Chi, what are you talking Viku?", I told him. "Well your blush is saying something else", he said looking at me.

"I am tired let me sleep", I whined. He freed me from his grip and pulled me towards his chest. I don't know, but I felt so safe. I still have a lot of questions on my mind. But I trust Viku. Still I feel that he still loves Chiko not me. I am not jealous of Chiko but I always wanted a husband who loves me.

"I know you have many questions regarding our relationship Aiyu. I promise that I will be a good husband. I still won't promise you whether I can love you but we will work on this marriage for sure", he said.

"I trust you", saying this I snuggled more to him and we slept. After a long time, I felt safe and secure during sleep.

The next morning I tried waking up from my bed. But someone is holding me so tight. I just looked up and saw that my husband is cuddling with me like a baby. Wait, my husband where did that come from? I always used to think him as my best friend. I tried getting up from his grip but he his making his hold more tight. After so many efforts, I got up from bed. I looked at the clock. It showed 5.30 am. I am always an early bird. I got freshen up and wore a red saree as I am new bride. I wore my bangles and filled vermillion in my partition. Same time, Viku woke up and someone knocked our door. I went and opened it. It was Amma.

"Aitri dear, you are looking so beautiful. You look like a princess sweet heart", Amma said.

"Amma, you are really teasing me.", I told her blushing. "I am saying the truth dear", Amma said.

"Good morning mom", Viku came near her and hugged her. "Get ready soon. You both have some rituals to do together", Amma said and left. Viku went to freshen up and I cleaned the room till then. His wardrobe was a mess. I cleaned it and kept a nice shirt and pants for him which I liked. He came out with towel in his waist. He looked like a Greek God. I am literally checking him out.

"Ahem, you are drooling Aiyu", he said. I immediately turned around and left. I heard his laugh. He is going to tease me again. God! I am giving him so many chances to mock me.

I went down and saw that there are arrangements going on for rituals. Viku also came down. Mom asked us to do some left out rituals and we did.

"Aitri today is your first day in home. You have to cook for everyone here.", grandmother said.

"Include us too Aiyu", Pradhu said coming inside the palace.

"Yea cook your special Kesari (Kesari bath, a sweet made from sooji) please Aiyu", Aathu said. I gave them a nod.

"You also learn everything Aathu soon you will be also doing all these things right", Pradhu teased her.

Raku and Dhruv came at the same time. Aathu blushed seeing Raku.

"Also get to know all your fiancé's favorite dishes Aathu also your in-laws", Pradhu went on teasing her.

"Stop teasing her Chimpanzee. Look she is looking like a tomato.", Dhruv commented.

"Will you both stop now?", Raku shouted at both of them.

"Why are you getting angry if they tease Aathika?", grandmother questioned him with a smirk.

Raku just went numb. "Because he is the reason for her blushing", Dhruv said.

Everyone laughed. "Offo, stop teasing my son and future DIL", Parvathi aunty came and started supporting them.

I went away from them and started to make breakfast. I did Idly, Dosa , Tomato chutney, Sambar, Coconut chutney, Kesari and Moong Dal Payasam (Kheer). Moong Dal Payasam is Viku's favourite. I said to everyone that I finished cooking and asked them to assemble in the dining table. I served everyone. They all started to eat.

"It is sooooo yummmyyyy", Dhruv said with full of food in his mouth. "Yea Anni (SIL) it is very tasty", Raku said. I blushed. "See Aiyu both your BIL's are taking your side", Viku said looking at me. I am now red as tomato.

"Now it is gifting time", saying this grandmother gave me a box. I looked at her confusingly. "Aitri you are the first daughter in law of this royal family. This is my gift for you for cooking these tasty dishes", grandmother said. She nodded her head to open the box. It was a ruby diamond necklace.

"No grandmother I can't take this. This is so..", before I can say anything. "Offo Aiyu great queen is giving you a gift with so much love. Accept it", Pradhu said.

"When is your marriage Pradhu?", grandmother asked her. "Who will marry this chimpanzee?", Dhruv asked. "You.....", saying this Pradhu went straight to hit him. He ran away before that.

"These two are really kids still", Parvati aunty said.

We all laughed. "When are you joining the school again Aiyu?", Aathu asked me. "In a week", I replied. Everyone gave their gifts. Dhruv and Pradhu also came back after their tom and jerry fight.

"Viku you didn't give your wife anything yet", Pradhu asked him. "Yea even I am interested what are you going to give her?", Dhru joined her.

Viku left and came with a big box wrapped in a gift wrap and asked me to open it. When I opened I was shocked to see that he really gifted me this.





I want to dedicate this chapter to one of my favourite singers of all time S.P.Balasubrahmanyam sir who passed away yesterday... May his soul rest in peace😔




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