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"What are you saying Aiyu?", I asked her. I went and gripped her shoulders. "Tell me the truth", I shouted at her. "Aarvik you are hurting me", Aiyu said she had tears in her eyes. That's when I realized that I am holding her too tightly.

"Aiyu, say the truth to us", Dhruv asked her.

"Even I don't know whether it is true or not. But all I know is that the first wife of the royal family heirs died because of a curse. Even yours and Viku's father's first wives died. Your mothers are their second wives. This is all I know.", she said.

"What the hell are you saying? Where did that stupid curse came from all of a sudden?", Rakshan said.

"She is saying the truth. Even your grandmother is your grandfather's second wife.", Aathu said.

"Well, everyone know so much about our family. We the heirs of royal family doesn't know any shit about it", I shouted.

"Bro, let's go to our home. We have something to discuss to our superiors", Dhruv said.

We started to leave. "Viku I am sorry if I have hurt you", Aiyu said with tears in her eyes. Why she is crying now? She very well knows that I cannot bare her tears. I never even felt for Chiko like that. Even she used to cry a lot but it never affected me. I don't know why Aiyu's crying affects me a lot.

I pulled her into a hug. "Shh, stop crying ok. It is not your fault.", I said and kissed her forehead.

I saw Rakshan kissed Aathu's cheeks. "Ahem, love is in the air", Dhruv and Pradhu said together. Rakshan and Aathu blushed.

We bid our goodbyes and left.

When we entered our home, all our elders were seated and having their lunch.

"Dad, I have something to ask you", I said to my dad. "Sure son, ask me anything", my dad said.

"Mom is your first wife right?", I asked him. Everyone stopped eating.

"Son..", my dad slurred. "Dad I am asking you something. Mom is your first wife right", I raised my voice.

"No", he said. "Dad, what about you?", Rakshan asked uncle.

"What do you mean by what about you", chitappa (uncle) asked.

"He means that whether our mom is your first wife?", Dhruv said.

"No", uncle said.

"What the hell is this royal family doing?", I asked them.

"Where are your first wives then?", Rakshan asked. "They are no more", dad said.

"What do you mean by no more?", I asked dad.

"We got to know even grandmother is second wife of grandfather. It is all happening due to a curse", Dhruv said.

"Yes, it is true", My grandmother said.

"Where did this curse part came from? First of all how can you believe in all these stuffs.", I asked them.

"Aarvik, we will tell you everything. Listen to us first then you can decide whether to believe or not", My mother said.

"Mom, what do you want me to listen? To believe in these superstitious beliefs?", I asked her.

"Enough Aarvik. Listen to what we are saying first.", My grandmother shouted at us.

We all sat down in the room of my grandmother.

"Well almost 100 years ago we had a princess named Sadhana in our royal family. She was apple to everyone's eyes. She had two elder brothers. Their elder brothers married sisters. Sadhana's SIL's wanted her to get married to their brother Sekhar. But Sadhana was already in love with someone else. She got married to him by eloping with him. She returned after a year when she was seven months pregnant. Her evil SIL's murdered Sadhana and her husband with her unborn child. Sadhana cursed the royal family that the first wives of the royal's will die within the six months time. The curse will be only broken when a daughter will be born to the royal family. It has been almost four generations none of the queen bore a daughter also according to the curse all our ancestors first wives passed away within six months time", grandmother said.

"What a horror story Grandmother! You are watching a lot of daily operas I think", I told her.

"It is the truth.", my grandmother said firmly.

"Within two days Chiko is coming with her parents. Then we will see what you are doing. I am going to marry Chiko no matter what", I told them firmly.

"Let's see after knowing the entire truth, will she accept you to marry first?", my grandmother said.

We all left to our rooms. This curse is just a lie. I know. I slept clearing my mind.

The next two days went in a blur. We all met Aiyu, Pradhu and Aathu and told them what our grandmother said. They didn't say anything regarding this. I invited them to come to the palace as Chiko is coming. They accepted.

And today Chiko is coming with her parents. I am so excited. I was getting ready and someone knocked the door.

"Come in", I shouted. My brothers and friends rushed into the room.

"Look at Viku, he is getting ready as if today itself they will make him marry to that Chiko", Pradhu teased me.

All started to join her one by one.

"Tease as much as you want. I will see when your turn comes", I told them. "We will never marry a love sick puppy bro", Dhruv said.

We were immersed in our conversation, when my mother and aunty came.

"You all are here.", my mother said.

"How can we miss Viku's bride aunty", Pradhu said.

We heard a car horn sound. "So, here comes the love sick puppy", Rakshan and Dhruv said together.

"Stop teasing him, let's go downstairs", my mother said and we all went down. My chiko was wearing a saree, she is not used to these things but still she wore it for me.

She bent down and got my family elders blessings. She looked at the three girls who are next to me and my brothers.

"OMG! You all must be Aiyu, Pradhu and Aathu", Chiko shouted. I already told her about everything in my village except this stupid curse which I got to know just two days back.

She went near them and hugged them all together tightly.

"How do you know about us?", Aiyu asked her. "Aarvik told me everything about you all. So can you tell me who is Aiyu, Pradhu and Aathu among you three?", Chiko asked them.

"Well, you said know about us. Guess yourself then", Pradhu gave her reply.

"You are so brave and cool. You must be Pradhu. This girl is looking downwards most of the time. She is Aathu right, shy and naïve. And we are left with beautiful Aiyu who is Aarvik's best friend", Chiko pointed out everyone correctly.

"You guessed everyone correctly", Aiyu said. Chiko's parents entered our house.

They all got settled down. And shared their greetings.

"I hope Aarvik already said about their love. I know you people are royal family but even I am industrialist. So I promise you that I won't let you all down in any celebrations", Chiko's dad said.

"We are not typical royals who want princess to be our bride. Both my DIL's are from normal family background. But I have something to say", my grandmother said and completed saying the same nonsense story what she told us.

"After knowing this, if you want your daughter to get married in this family. Then, we have no objection", my grandmother said.

We all looked at Chiko's dad.

"Let's fix the marriage date of my daughter and Aarvik", Chiko's dad said.










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