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I am peacefully sleeping in our bed and someone was pulling my hair and I exactly know who it is. I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful face who is a carbon copy of me.

"Appa (dad)", that angelic voice giggled.

"Princess", saying this I started to shower my kisses on her face and she started to giggle a lot.

"If both your father and daughter time got over, could you both please go and take shower?", my anger wife Aitri shouted give us a murderous look.

"We are leaving", saying this I took my princess and went inside the bathroom. I still remember the day she was born. The most precious day of my life but the worst part was with Aitri's pregnancy. She almost killed me more than ten times during her pregnancy period. She made me sleep on floor because I didn't get her the butterfly that was flying in the garden. Once, she made me cook tomato rice at 3 am. But all that was worth when I saw my daughter's face. Aiyu is always jealous of that but she never says. Also my daughter resembles my character too.

It is my daily routine to give her daily bath after she turned a year old. I finished bathing her and wrapped herself in her favourite cute sky blue fluffy teddy bear towel and dressed her up. I was shirtless when my wife entered the room again.

"Go and bath soon Aarvik", saying this she took our daughter to give her breakfast. She has become boring in romance. All the girls in my office flirt with me and I am sure when they see me shirtless they will go crazy but here my wife hardly notices me. Damn, I sound like Dhruv now. I immediately went and did all my daily chores. I dressed up and came to the dining hall.

"Ashwathi, you have become really naughty nowadays", as usual Aiyu was shouting at our daughter. My princess never eats without me. I forgot to tell her name. Her name is Ashwathi.

"Appa (dad)", she ignored Aiyu completely and hugged me tightly holding my legs. I took her in my arms and stared at Aiyu. She turned her face. I felt another pair of small hands pulling my legs. I looked at the figure who was giggling by taking his rubber duck in his mouth. I took him in my another arms. My favourite nephew, Ayush, Rakshan and Aathika's son who is now 6 months old. He is wandering all over the palace now. My princess loves her brother.

"Hi anna(elder brother)", Rakshan came and took Ashwathi from me. She kissed her uncle's cheek.

"Anna (elder brother) I don't know why Aathu is so angry at me from yesterday night", he said looking at me.

"Even Aiyu is angry but I thought it was normal as I teased her a lot with Ashu", I told him.

"But I think something is really fishy", while Rakshan was saying this a voice echoed in our palace.

"Mama (uncle)", our first princess Layanika entered with Aryan and Mrudhu.

"Hi princess", we both said together. Mrudhu completely ignored us and Aryan came to us.

"Did you both said anything to Mrudhu about me?", Aryan whisper yelled at us.

"Why will we do that BIL?", Rakshan asked him.

"Your sister is scaring me to hell. She threw the newspaper in my face when I asked her where is the newspaper", Aryan said.

"I have the feeling that all the women are upset about something common", Rakshan said and I also felt the same.

"Where is Dhruv?", Aryan asked us.

"Go and die, drunken monkey. Dare you enter this room ever again", Pradhi was throwing everything that she saw on the way. She is seven months pregnant with twins now. Fighting of Pradhi and Dhruv is common but to this level something definitely wrong.

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