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I can't believe that she is not with us anymore. I still can't come out of that day when Vasudevan uncle shot her and she died at that spot itself. I still couldn't accept the fact that she took the bullet for me. I still remember the last words she uttered "I love you always". I was looking at her photo with tears in my eyes.

"Aarvik", my dad's voice broke my thoughts. I turned towards him.

" I know it is difficult for you but you have to move on son", my dad said keeping his hands on my shoulders.

"How can I dad? I wish she was with me now maybe I would've been better", I told him the truth how I felt.

"Don't worry. You will be alright today", my dad said and we both went downstairs.

"MAMA (maternal uncle who is mother's brother)", a voice shouted and I know it is my princess Layanika. She is two years old now. She is growing up really fast. She came running to me and I took her in my arms.

"My Layu missed me a lot then", I asked her.

"Layu missed Athai (paternal aunty who is dad's sister) more", she said and pouted. Even I miss her a lot.

"I too miss your Athai a lot", I told her and kissed her cheeks.

"Layu hungry(hungly)", she said and showed her stomach.

"Let's go and have our breakfast then", saying this I took her to the dining table. She signed me to get her down. When I left her she directly went to Dhruv who was sleeping in dining table and poured a glass of water on his head.

"It's raining... It's raining", Dhruv woke up shouting.

"It is not raining drunken monkey. Layu woke you up as you were sleeping in dining table", Pradhi said by keeping the chutney bowl.

"Didn't you take bath before coming to breakfast?", Rakshan said by seeing Dhruv's state.

"Layu, you have become really naughty", saying this Dhruv pouted. Layu showed her tongue to him.

"Even you irritated us a lot during our childhood. Same comes to you now. Karma is a boomerang brother", I told him. He left to change his shirt.

"What is special for breakfast today?", Nattu dad came and asked.

"We made all her favourite dad", Aathika said by coming with hot idlies.

Nattu dad adopted Aathika legally before 2 years. Aathika first didn't accept because she thought that he is doing that as a tribute to his dad. But Nattu dad actually wanted her to be his daughter. After the legal adoption Aathika is now Princess Aathika Natrajan. She proved herself as a great daughter. She fulfilled everything what Aiyu left behind.

"I am really hungry now", Sharadha mom came. Shradha mom became almost normal now. She is still in medication but still she is quite normal. Dhruv came after changing his shirt.

"Aarvik, shall we leave by 10 am? 11 am the train will arrive", Nattu dad asked me.

"Yea dad sure", I told him.

"Just look at Anna's face. How happy he is!", Dhruv teased me.

"He missed Anni for a year now after all", Rakshan too joined him.

"Says who missed their fiancés when they just went for 3 days school trip. I hope you guys remember going with them for three days saying some pity reasons", Aryan came at the right time to support me. My BIL is the best. Why not? I am the one who saves me from my sister.

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