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Pradhi asked us to come to Paru mom's room. When we went there she was lying lifelessly on bed with her blood oozing out from her mouth. I am stunned to see the scenario.

"We tried consoling her so much. But she asked us to go out and wanted to be alone for sometime. She looked the door then, we suspected as she didn't open the door after 10 minutes. We started banging the door but we found the rat poison bottle and also a strip of sleeping pills empty with this letter addressed to you both", Aathika said with full of tears.

I got the letter from Aathika and Rakshan came near me. We both started reading the letter.

Dear Rakshan and Dhruv,

How many ever times I say sorry to you both, it will be less. Yes, I didn't say about your birth mother. It is not because I don't want you to know about her. It is because I promised your mother to not let you know about her ever once. I think I have succeeded in that almost. Never once in these 25 years I made you both think that I am not your mother. More than your dad, I was the one who is more affected in losing your mother. Because she was not only my friend, she was the family I had. My own family never bothered about me. They just spent money on my education but they didn't even know whether I am dead or alive. But your mother Gauri was the one who showed me immense care and affection. Because of her I got Sarang as my friend too. You may think now how did I survive without her all these years. She never left me according to me. I have two Gauris with me now. That is both of you. I see Gauri's appearance in Dhruv and Gauri's maturity in Rakshan every day. Dhruv you exactly have your mother's smile, that is the reason I always supported you even though I know you are wrong sometimes. My heart melts for you Dhruv. Rakshan you are heart son, when you were in hospital fighting for your life I thought I failed as a mother and broken the promise which I gave to my Gauri. I am sorry but I cannot live in this world with both of your hatred. I just have a request, kindly do my last rites together as my sons. I am going to my Gauri. Take care of your dad. I never told him but actually fell for him all these years.



I don't know what came over me and Rakshan, we both ran to Paru mom's bed.

"Mom, wake up please. I am an idiot. I am the one who accused to be a murderer. Now I feel like I am a murderer. Mom, please you don't have to support me from now on. I will be a responsible guy from now on. You don't have to give me dad's part of sweet to me hiding from him. Mom please", I cried out loud.

"Mom, I am sorry... I am really sorry. I should have let you explain at least once. I am the one who is to be blamed not you. Mom, how will we survive without you. Who will give me time to time food? Who will fight with dad for silly things? Mom, if you leave us I swear I won't speak to you ever again", Rakshan started to lament like me.

"Mom, you are the best mother in the whole world. We both are the worst sons. Please mom.. yell at us.. scold us.. beat us as much as you want for everything.. but please don't leave us",I cried like a mad man.

"Mom, we survived without Gauri mom. I swear not even once in these 25 years you made us feel like we both are not your sons. Today I am saying, even if Gauri mom comes today and starts to live with us we both won't accept her. She gave her life to save us both but you sacrificed your life for us to make us a better person. But now we both feel like real culprits mom. Please mom get up. Aarvik Anna (elder brother) call the ambulance now", Rakshan shouted.

"It is waste Rakshan, there is no pulse. I checked her", Aitri Anni (SIL) said sobbing.

"No you all are lying our mom can never leave us like this. Never Ever", I shouted on top of his voice.

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