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I know I had to give something to Aiyu on her first day after marriage. I planned everything already. I will gift something which she always dreamt of. When she opened the box she was shocked as well as tears were flowing out of her eyes. I gave her the books to prepare for UPSC exams. She always wanted to become an IAS officer from childhood. But due to her aunty she couldn't pursue it. So what now she can pursue her dreams. I also know that she is preparing for it without the knowledge of her aunt all this while. Pradhu and Aathu already told me about this. Next month the registeration begins for UPSC prelims. Still she have six months to prepare, I am sure she will clear her exams too.

"I hope you liked my gift", I said looking at her. She hugged me tightly. I held her closely.

"Ahemm", everyone looked everywhere. We blushed. "You know you guys don't have to show us your PDA's.", Pradhu said.

"I want you to pursue your dream Aiyu. You are just 24. You can write UPSC and clear the exams. I know it is not easy but not impossible. You have been preparing also for all this while, I know.", I said.

"I will try my level best", she said.

My parents and grandmother were looking proudly at me. I already spoke to them regarding this. They were happy but still they are afraid because of that stupid curse.

I got a call from Chiko. She said she wants me, Rakshan and Dhruv to come to the new project site. We bid our good byes and left. My grandmother was hesitant at first then I promised her that we will be back by afternoon.


Aitri enjoyed her new home and in-laws. She knows them very well. But still her MIL introduced her to all the people who are working for royal family. The two ministers Vasudevan and Haridas who are taking care of agriculture and textiles which belong to royal family. Haridas never speaks to anyone. He is always out of zone. He is unmarried too. Aitri knows about him very well.

Then her MIL, showed her marriage photos of her's and Parvathi. Aitri left saying that she is going to cook lunch also as Dhruv specially requested her to cook all his favorite dishes.

She went inside the kitchen and started cooking. She made everything. She was about to finish the cooking. Suddenly she smelled something burning. When she turned she got the shock of her life. The whole kitchen was on fire.

"Help..... AHHHH somebody help", Aitri started to shout. Everyone in the house assembled near the kitchen. They were stunned to see the scenario.

"Omg! What is happening here? Even Sahasra and Sarang are not here now.", the great queen panicked.

Aitri's saree also got fire. She threw her saree down. She started again calling everyone for help. The ministers, accountant, no men were there. Only the three queens of royal were present at the moment.

Exactly at that time all the three Princes returned.

"Mom what the hell is happening?", Aarvik asked his mother.

"Aarvik thank god you came. Aitri is stuck inside.", before Charumathi could say anything Aarvik entered the kitchen in that fire.

Rakshan and Dhruv came there after parking the car.

"Mom, how did the kitchen got fire? Where is Anna (elder brother)?", Dhruv asked.

"We have no idea Aitri is stuck inside now Aarvik also went in to save her", Parvathi cried.

"I will call the fire service now", Rakshan immediately called for fire service.

Inside the kitchen the scenario was getting worse every second. Aarvik went near Aitri. She was already in a panicked mode. She didn't notice that even her blouse got fire.

"Aiyu", Aarvik shouted and started to get her out of her blouse. "Aarvik what.. what are you doing?", she almost slurred as her breathing was lacking due to oxygen deficiency. "You didn't even notice that your blouse got fire.", he removed her bouse. He unbuttoned his shirt and made her wear his shirt. When he was doing that, Aitri fainted.

"Aiyu, Aiyu.. he slapped her cheeks lightly. But it is of no use. Then he lifted up bridal style and went out immediately. He didn't care about the burns he got in his hands.

When he came out, the fire service also arrived. Everyone felt relieved that Aitri and Aarvik were safe.

"Mom call the doctor immediately", he said to his mom. He took Aitri to their room and placed on their bed.

"Doctor arrived", his mom said.

Doctor checked Aitri. At the same time the whole village got to know about the fire accident which happened in the palace. It reached Pradhi's and Aathika's ears too. They came to the palace. Every member of the palace was waiting outside Aarvik's room when they reached there.

"How is Aiyu?", Aathika asked. "Doctor is checking her", Rakshan said.

"It is all because of the curse. She is going to die soon", Haridas the minister of palace said.

"Please just keep your mouth shut. Nothing will happen to our Aiyu", Pradhu shouted at him.

"How dare you raise your voice in front of me?", he was about to slap when Dhruv held his hands.

"How dare you raise your hands on her? ", he shouted. "Dhruv leave his hands now", his mother Parvathi shouted at him. Pradhi kept her hands on his shoulder to calm down. He left his hands after looking at Pradhi.

"Haridas please don't speak anything bad. She is the DIL of this house. Whatever respect you are giving for Charumathi and Parvathi, the same respect should be given to Aitri too", the great queen said sternly.

Aarvik was just looking at the door of his room. He didn't even listen to any of this conversation. Chaaya came at that time. She placed her hands on his shoulder and made him to look at her.

"You are so stupid Aarvik. You still didn't realize that you love her", Chaaya said looking at him.

"What are you saying?", Aarvik asked her. "Do you remember Aarvik once I had an accident. You were there with me all the time. But that doesn't affect you emotionally. You were worried for me for sure but didn't lose yourself. You know Aarvik, love is not about with whom we are happy. It is all about without whom, we cannot be happy. You are happy without me now. But you will not be happy if Aiyu is not with you. Thank god you didn't marry me. You never loved me. Maybe you liked me as I was a love sick puppy as everyone says. Don't lose her Aarvik.", Chaaya said holding Aarvik's hands.

Aarvik became more confused now because of his feelings.

Doctor came outside. Everyone was waiting to hear what she is going to say.

"Did the patient have any phobia already?", she asked without any expression.

"Yes she has. She has Pyrophobia. Though she cooks well she is always afraid to light the gas stove everytime.", Aathika said.

"Aiyu never had any kind of phobias like that", Aarvik said.

"When we were in our 11th standard while doing our experiment, our chemistry lab caught fire. From that day she has this", Pradhi said.

"Aitri...", Doctor stopped saying this.

Everyone got worried more because of the imperishable curse.








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