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I am excited to go to Kodaikanal. This is going to be my first visit there. I packed all my things. I was utterly shocked when Parvathi aunty said that she wants Pradhu to be her DIL. Viku and me came back to our room after our dinner. I had a doubt from last week so I thought of asking him.

"Viku I want to ask you something", I whisper asked him. "Anything Aiyu", he gave me a tired reply.

"You know last week, one day morning Dhruv said to Pradhu that he will do something that will make Pradhu to puke in three months. What he will do like that?", I asked. Actually from morning this is what is running in my mind.

When I asked the question his eye sockets came out almost. Did I ask something terrible? I don't think so.

"Did Dhruv said that to Pradhu? What did Pradhu do after that?", he asked me.

"As usual she took a vase and started running behind him", I told him casually. "Aiyu, you really don't know the meaning it. Are you serious?", he asked me again. "That is why I am asking you right", I told him.

"Do you know how baby comes?", Aarvik asked me seriously. Of course I know, I am not an idiot. "Yea", I replied him blushing. "Do you know that pregnant women pukes a lot?", Aarvik asked me smirking. Now I connected both the questions and the sentence said by Dhruv. Omg! What a tube light I am!

"Aiyu, if you want I can also make you puke in three months", Viku winked at me saying this. How dare he! I mean he is husband and he has right on me. But we are not even in love. Atleast he is not in love. Just now he had a break up.

"Aiyu I am asking you something", he started to come near me. I am not afraid of him. I just took a pillow from bed and started to hit him. We had a pillow fight and then I don't know when I dozed off.

Next day morning, we all got ready and sat in our respective cars. Me, Viku, Aathu, Rakshan, Chiko and Jackfruit in one car. Nilan, Pradhu, Dhruv and that Mongoose Maya in another car. Mongoose Maya sounds good for her. I am happy that she is not coming in our car.

Kodaikanal is just 4 hours from our village. Viku was the one who is driving the car. I accompanied him in front. We started to hear all our fav songs and enjoyed ourselves. I bought some snacks also for us. We started eating all those. After an hour I noticed that Aathu was sleeping in Rakshan's shoulder. He is holding her protectively. I immediately took a picture of them. Another sight caught my eyes. Mukilan is sleeping in Chiko's shoulder and Chiko's head is in window. I took picture of that too. I took two or three selfies of myself and one picture of Viku driving the car.

After sometime, I got a call from Pradhu. She said that we can stop at Silver Falls. I told it to Viku, he said he is also thinking the same.

Then we stopped at Silver Falls. I woke up Aathu and Raku and also our Mickey mouse and Minnie mouse. Tom and Jerry is for Pradhu and Dhruv only.

Both Chiko and Mukilan screamed in horror when they saw their position.

We all laughed hurting our stomach. We got down from the car and saw that Pradhu and Dhruv were standing outside with Nilan. Where is that Mongoose?

I went near Pradhu and asked her about that Mongoose. She said that the Mongoose drank too much and is sleeping now inside the car. I kinda felt happy that she was not going disturb us here atleast.

The sight was beautiful in front of us. Silver falls looked like as if silver is turned into water and flowing from it. I couldn't even explain it in words. I was mesmerized in the beauty of nature.


We were watching the beauty of silver falls. But for me my wife's beauty is more mesmerizing than the silver falls. She was seeing it with so much love and I am watching her with so much love. I took out my phone and took pictures of her as if I am clicking silver falls. Man! I really got an apsaras in the name of wife. She is beauty with brain. I think even air is making her hair messier to touch her atleast once. She went and took some water droplets in hand and threw it on Pradhu. Her smile is the purest like an innocent kid. Suddenly I felt like someone watching me. When I turned around, it was not someone it is four people. I am screwed.

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