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"Listen to us. If you want her to live with you happily, then you have to marry another girl", my grandmother said firmly.

"Just because I want to live happily with the person I love I cannot destroy another person's life", I said firmly.

"But you are the one who said that you don't believe in these stupid curses. Then marry the girl we show you.", my mother said.

"Yes, I still don't believe that stupid curse. But what will happen to the life of the girl after six months. Where will she go after I divorce her?",I asked them.

"First let her survive those six months.", my grand mother said.

"How are you so sure she will not survive? I feel like you all itself will kill her if she survives after six months", I shouted at them.

"Don't you want to live with your love of life. If she survives then we will see.", my mother this time.

"Dad, why don't you say something.", I pulled my dad into this conversation. I am sure he can convince my mother and grand mother.

"Son, listen to them. They are saying for your benefit only. I lost my love because I also spoke the same words what you have said now. But I lost her. I love your mom but still she died because of me.", my dad said with tears in his eyes. I know he is still feeling guilty of the death of his first wife. But that was total coincidence. She had cancer which they found out in the last stage.

"Dad, you all know why she passed away. If you all would have found that before itself maybe you would have saved her or that time you didn't had any kind of facilities due to that she died. I went to store room after you all said about this stupid curse. Your first wife was diagnosed with cancer at that time. And you know it every well. So, there is no point in saying that it is due to a curse", I kept my point.

"Enough. You are going to marry the other girl no matter what. If you want to see your love alive then do it otherwise get ready to see her dead", my grand mother shouted literally at me.

My grand mother left after saying this.

I was sitting alone in the garden. My father came and sat next to me.

"Dad, how can I spoil a girl's life?", I asked him.

"You are not spoiling her life.", my dad said

"Dad I am literally making her life hell for the six months", I told him worriedly.

"She will die within six months", my dad said.

"Dad, please not you again. Don't give me the same story what they said to me", I told him.

"It is true son. Don't repeat the same mistake what I did. Maybe if you don't believe my case, you can ask your uncle. He also lost his love and the worst part is she was three months pregnant when she died", my dad said and left.

Are they saying the truth? Is there really any curse, that actually exist? Or someone is behind this? If someone is behind this then the same events cannot be happening for the past 150 years. I don't know what to believe now.

If there exists a curse, then I will surely perish the imperishable curse and make this family free from it.

Will he be able to perish the imperishable curse?




Cover for this story is made by girlinthelights. Thank you so much for making this wonderful cover.

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