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My head is spinning, hands are shivering, my brain is totally out. It is like a within a day my whole life has taken a three sixty degree spin. My parents are not my parents, my in-laws rivals are my actual parents. My dad sacrificed his own daughter to save me. I have been a curse for everyone I think. I burst into tears when I think about all this.

I felt a sudden pull like someone embracing me. It was Aathika. She should be the one who should be extremely angry with me. Because of me, she has been accused as orphan by people. But this girl is consoling me here.

"Aiyu, please control yourself. I know it is a lot to take in for you, not only for you but for all of us. At the end of the day, it is all to protect you.", Aathika said. I wonder what this girl's heart is made up of.

"Aiyu, be calm first. Think with calm mind. You will feel and understand why they have done all these things", Pradhi also said.

"I wish I died that day itself. Many people suffered because of me. Especially you Aathu, how can you be this calm? You should shout at me that I snatched your parent's love from you", I stopped and started crying again.

"Don't you dare utter that word again. You will never die. Aiyu why should I blame you? Because of you only I got to know how great my dad was! Moreover, everything is over Aiyu, we all should move on.", Aathika spoke with a lot of emotions.

"Aiyu we are not asking to forgive your dad I mean Mr. Natrajan but just think from his point of view too. He lost his daughter, his wife lost her mental stability and Aryan Anna, he has become almost a mother less. Aiyu, you are the most brilliant one among three of us so we don't have to tell you what is right and what is wrong", Pradhi said.

At the same time, Aarvik entered our room. They both left me and gave a smile to Aarvik.

"I know Aiyu, you are going through a lot but I swear even I got to know all this two days back. I was just waiting for the right time to reveal everything to you.", he said. But I am not ready to hear any of his sayings today.

"Aathu, Pradhu can you both stay with me today? Call Chiko too we will stay in guest room together", I said and left the room with them. I need a lot of time to digest everything.


Chiko reached the palace and was stunned to hear everything. But she was happy about one thing.

"Hey so it means the curse got perished right? I mean Mrudhu is Aarvik's sister", Chiko said happily.

"OMG! We totally forgot about this thing. Hurray! It means our Aiyu is safe", Pradhi said happily.

"Idiots, you all three are safe", Chiko pointed to Aitri, Pradhi and Aathika.

"Then the attacks that happened on Aiyu those things...", Aathika stopped.

"Everything is done by someone then but my question is how it has been followed for so m any years?", Chiko asked.

"Good question. We should speak about this to everyone", Pradhi said.

Aitri was numb all the time. She didn't show any emotions. She didn't even know that they are conversing about her. At the same time Mrudhula entered the room with Layanika.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything my SILs.", Mrudhula entered.

"Not at all Mrudhu and please give me this princess", Pradhi said and took Layanika from her.

"See Layu, your Athai (aunty who is father's sister) is not even aware that you are here. Come we will torture her for sometime", saying this Pradhi took Layanika near to Aitri. The baby immediately grabbed her aunty's hair as if saying that she is here.

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