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What is happening? Am I seeing a dream or what? Mr.Haridas the rudest person of our village is crying that too hugging a lady. I never thought that he actually have a heart for what all he spoke few minutes and now. And, he is crying hugging this lady it means he knows her. But I know that he don't have a family. He is a single person then who is this lady to him. I heard another sob next to me. Appa is also crying seeing this lady, so he also knows this lady then.

"Dad, is she the one?", Aarvik asked him. What does he mean by is she the one? That means he also knows her. Appa just gave him a nod. What are they hiding from me?

"Haridas, calm down. She is alright perfectly. Our Sharadha is fine.", Appa spoke to calm him.

Aarvik questioned us about her. We just told him how we saw her and what doctor said about her condition.

"I am going to kill that man. He is the reason why Sharadha is in this condition. I thought he would have changed all these years but no, he never changed", Haridas kept on blabbering.

I wanted to know what is happening otherwise my brain will definitely burst out.

"Who is she?", I asked them bluntly. That lady came near me and started saying that they will kill her and she will only stay with me. Somehow we managed to give her sleeping pills and made her sleep.

Appa was consoling Haridas all this time. We left the room and all were about to resume to their respective rooms. But I stopped them.

"I asked who is she and I didn't get the answer yet", I almost yelled.

"She is Haridas's sister.", Appa said.

"So where was she all these years?", Aathu asked him.

"Stop questioning Aathu. Can't you see Haridas uncle is already broken and here you are interrogating him.", Rakshan said coldly.

Pradhi and Aathika left as it was almost night. They just bid their goodbyes without any emotions. I know because of whom Rakshan and Aathika had a small fight due to this issue and also Pradhi who supported Aathika got scolding from Dhruv.

I have to ask Aarvik about this. There is definitely something huge which they are hiding from us. I entered my room after dinner. Our dinner was silent, everyone was shocked to know that Sharadha aunty returned. I bet grandmother is not happy about this. The only thing what I got to know is Sharadha aunty is amma's best friend that too when she got emotional during dinner I got to know this.

Viku was lost in his own thoughts.

"You want to ask me about her, right?", Viku asked me after breaking his thoughts.

"Yea..", I was about to continue. When he stopped me.

"She is Mr.Natrajan's wife. Aryan's mother, the queen of Sivapuram", he said normally as if it is nothing to him.

"What the hell? She is Aryan's mother. You know about it. Wait a second, she is Haridas uncle's sister. It means he should be with his brother-in-law right? Why he is working here?", I started questioning continuously.

"Aiyu, will you let me speak? Then only I can answer. If you just keep on questioning, then how will I be able to speak?", he asked me.

"Sorry, continue", I said and apologized.

"Haridas uncle, dad and Natrajan uncle all were best friends. Natrajan uncle loved Sharadha aunty and everyone even accepted their love. But after Aryan's birth business rift was happening between both the royals. Haridas uncle chosen to stay loyal to dad. That created a lot of problems in between Natrajan uncle and Haridas uncle. But after that something happened. And Haridas uncle never met her. He not even once visited her.", Viku said in one go.

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