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I am so happy that my best friend is in love. I am damn sure that girl is so lucky to have him. He is a gem. I am waiting eagerly for him to explain about his love of life. He started to describe about her.

"Her name is Chaaya. I met her in my college. She was my junior. Everyone used to call her as Chiko. She is the daughter of one of the famous industrialists in India. She never shows off though. She will be coming here after three days.", Viku said.

"You can call her as Love sick puppy", Dhru said.

"Drunken monkey, that is called love.", Pradhu defended Viku.

"You should see her and then if you say the same, I accept that I am at fault", Dhruv said.

"For a change I go with Dhruv, he is saying right. That girl is really a love sick puppy", Raku supported Dhruv.

"We will see that after three days. You guys need some snacks. I have jamun fruit and some homemade pakodas.", I told them. I used to carry some snacks with me so that we can have them every day in pond.

"Wow! Aiyu, you are always sweet. Give me some", Dhruv literally snatched the boxes from me.

"Drunken monkey, leave some for us too", saying this Pradhu snatched it from him and passed it to Aathu. Aathu took some and gave it Raku. Love is in the air. Raku gave it to Viku.

"Yummy, who made these pakodas?", Dhruv asked while having his pakodas.

"If I say it's me what will you do?", Pradhu asked him.

"Chimpanzees don't cook", Dhruv gave her the reply.

"Aiyu is the one who made it", Aathu said.

"Your husband is going to be very lucky Aiyu. You cook very well", Dhru gave me his compliment.

"What you girls are doing now?", Viku asked all three of us.

"I am working as English teacher in our government school. Pradhu is working as Maths teacher and Aathu is working in administration office", I told him.

"That's great. So at last you can give punishment to Dhruv as you wanted Pradhu", Raku mocked Dhruv.

"I wonder how a chimpanzee could be a teacher", Dhruv started again to mock Pradhu.

"Even I wonder, how a drunken monkey could be a Prince of royal family", Pradhu gave her reply.

"You all three are here. I was searching for you everywhere.", a voice came.

We all six turned towards the voice. It was from the head accountant of royal family Thiyagaraj. His family is the traditional head accountants of royal family. Even his son Nilan studied Charted Accountant and now working as an Assistant under his father. Most of the people working for royal family are working for several generations.

"Hi uncle", all three of the Prince said together.

"Hi Princes. How are you?", he asked them.

"Uncle you can call by our names. How many times we said to you", Viku said.

"You all never changed even after staying in London for 13 years", Thiyagu uncle said.

"Aitri how are you dear? It has been a long time since we met.", Thiyagu uncle said looking at me.

"I am fine uncle. How are you? How is aunty and Nilan?", I asked him. Thiyagu uncle and my dad were good friends. He is the one who helped me to study after my parents death.

"They are all good dear. Is your aunty treating you good or still the same?", Thiyagu uncle asked me again.

"She didn't change still?", Raku asked me.

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