Chapter 21

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"Max? I'm home. I brought dinner." He didn't mention he wanted to leave the apartment. I asked him whether I could go have a coffee with Jenny and he said as long as I brought home some dinner I should go. He didn't say anything about having plans to leave. Usually I can find him on the couch whenever I get back home, watching TV or playing some game. "Max?" I call again. No response. I take the food I brought to the kitchen. Maybe he just had to grab something. I make my way to the bedroom to get changed into something more comfy. The door is closed. Mhm, that's odd, it's usually always slightly open. Suddenly I hear a noice. Maybe Max went to take a nap? I open the door as quietly as I can. It takes me a second to realize what I'm seeing. I press my hand in front of my mouth and close the door as quietly as I opened it. I practically run out the apartment, somehow managing to remember to take my keys with me.

Just around the corner of our apartment there is a little park. I sit down on a bench and start crying. How could he do that to me? I've always done what he wanted, never spoke up to him. I've been the perfect girlfriend. I never complained about him spending more time with his TV or his friends than me, I made him food every day, I kept the apartment tidy. I thought it was just a phase, that he'd need to get used to living with his girlfriend but this? Yes, we had a fight a few days ago but it was nothing major? Maybe it hurt him? Maybe he needs to blow off some steam? After all, he loves me. He told me so many times. Yes that's what it must be. I hurt him by wanting to go see a movie with Jenny instead of staying home to take care of him and his friends and he just needs to let off some steam. He loves me.

"V! How have you never told me about this?" I lower my eyes to the ground. I know exactly why I never did. Because I didn't wanna see the truth. That he never loved me, that he used me. I didn't tell her, because she already thought of him so low and I didn't wanna make things worse. I didn't tell her, because he had manipulated me into thinking it's my own fault. "I thought it was only this one time..." Jenny breaths in sharply. "It wasn't? He cheated on you multiple times?" I nod slightly. "I found out the day before you got me out of there. I met Kaitlyn at the store while I was getting things for dinner. She told me." I don't wanna think back to that day ever again. The arrogance and pity in the way she talked to me. I was so embarrassed that I had been so blind. I'll never forget her last words. You really think he loves you? He hates you. Only reason he tolerates you is because you're pretty much his housemaid. With those words she left me standing in the store, feeling like a complete idiot. That was the moment I realized how blind I'd been. "I never confronted him but I guess she told him."

We stay silent for a while. "I can't believe she's his girlfriend now. Such a jerk." I laugh slightly. "Really? To be honest, I'm more surprised he kept her a secret for that long. From what she told me they've been seeing each other since a month after I moved in with him." - "He is so messed up." Yes, that he definitely is. But so am I. He messed me up. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this, V." So am I... so am I. Jenny hugs me tightly. She doesn't let go so we eventually fall asleep, me wrapped up in her arms.

I wake up at 6am, feeling like I've been hit with a truck. Jenny is still fast asleep. I maneuver myself out of her arms as softly as I can, being sure I don't wake her. She must be wrecked, after all this is a completely different time zone. I sent her a text letting her know I'm taking a walk to the beach but will be back with breakfast at 8am, just in case she wakes up before that. I can't shake the memory from last night. Telling her about Max and Kaitlyn, knowing they are an official couple right now... it hurts. I mean, somewhere deep inside of me I always knew, but it being real now just hits me. It brings back all the emotions, all the heartbreak I've kept bottled up for a while now. Sitting at the beach and watching the waves, whenever I feel down has become sort of my thing now. It's calming. There were hardly any days I felt bad lately, with my opening coming up and Charlie being around all the time, but especially in the evenings, when I was alone and didn't really know what to do with myself I found myself at the beach a lot.

At 8am straight I walk into my bedroom with two coffee's and some croissants I picked up on my way back from the beach. Jenny is still fast asleep and it almost pains me to wake her, but today is my big day and I don't even have anything to wear. My phone rings, telling me I got a text. It's from Valerie. Picking you up at 9am. Time to get you club owner ready. Oh dear... now I really don't have another choice than to wake Jenny up. I smile a little, being both, excited and proud but also scared as hell about today. Jenny opens her eyes and a big smile forms on her face. "Time to watch my girl live her dream."

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now