Chapter 25

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People are streaming into the club... into my club... a huge smile has placed itself on my face and has no intention of leaving any time soon. I can't believe this is actually happening. Tickets for the opening were sold out after two days which is insane. Even though we didn't mention Charlie's involvement in the opening today anywhere people still want to come experience my club. What if they aren't satisfied though? Worry starts creeping up my spine. Suddenly I feel super conscious about every little detail of the venue. Will they like the interior? I love it, but that doesn't mean other people will enjoy it. Some, or maybe even a lot, of the people here have probably been to the club before, when it was still Valeries. What if they won't be happy with the way I changed it? Not that I changed a lot of the club itself, I'm rather changing the way it's used. Valerie used it as the normal type of club, with a bar and DJ's. I, however, envision open mic nights and little private concerts. I can feel the anxiety growing more and more.

"Vic, look at me" I turn around and face Charlie. "What are you doing here? You're meant to be backstage." He pulls me into a hug and whispers into my ear. "I had a feeling you... I don't know, I just felt like I should check in on you." I rest my head on his chest for a second, feeling myself calm down. "Victoria? Where are you?" I let out a small sigh and move away from Charlie. "You better get backstage before she see's you here" I say laughing a little. Within a second he's gone. I wish he was still here. Once Valerie catches sight of me she comes rushing over. "Where are you? I want you to meet my two favorite costumers." The anxiety starts building up in my chest again but then I remember the bracelet around my wrist. I trace my finger along the wave, taking a deep breath in and out. I straighten my shoulders and follow Valerie.

"Hello everybody..." I look around my club and take in all the people. I still can't believe this is actually happening. "thank you for coming tonight. I hope you can all feel The Magic of Hollywood during your time here. Now as you all know we have a surprise act playing for you tonight. Without any further due, please welcome Charlie Gillespie." I turn around to see Charlie entering the stage, a big smile on his face. His eyes are fixed on me. I smile back at him and hand him the microphone. Then I rush off the stage. Honestly, I'm not meant to be up there. All the people looking at me, watching every move I make, I don't know how other people can handle this on a daily basis. Charlie starts strumming his guitar, I sit down on the nearest barstool and while listening to him I can feel how all the tension and stress falls off of me. Everything is working out just perfect.

The people love him. How couldn't they? He's amazing! "V, you really found a gem didn't you?" I just nod, not wanting to take my eyes off of Charlie for a second. Jenny pokes her elbow into my side to gain my attention. "Earth to V! I know I'm not as hot or as talented as the guy up there but do I get at least a second of your attention for the fact that I came all the way here?" She laughs but she's right. I turn to face her. She hands me a glass filled with champagne. We clink glasses. "To you living that crazy dream of yours. Honestly V, I was so worried when you left, but wow. I'm really proud of you." I didn't think it was possible but the smile on my face grows even wider. "I'm so glad you're here, J. I wouldn't wanna experience this moment without you" She takes a quick glance at Charlie. "Nah, I'm sure you would have been very well taken care of." I roll my eyes and then we both burst into laughter.

"Hey Victoria, I brought a little someone who... you know..." Valerie seems almost shy. Suddenly I see someone poking her head out from behind her. It's a little girl, probably about 10 years old. The pieces form themselves together in my head. Of course! Her niece! "Hey, you must be Julia. Your aunt has been telling me so much about you." She smiles at me shyly. Then her eyes seem to see something behind me and they start to widen. I turn around to see what caused her reaction. All I see is a smiling Charlie walking towards us... omg of course! "Charlie, meet Julia. Valerie's niece." I move closer to Charlie and whisper into his ear "She's crazy about you, so be nice." He's placing his hand over his heart in pretend shock for a second before he turns to Julia. "Hey Julia, so nice to meet you!" It takes her a moment to process the situation but then she slowly leaves her hiding spot behind Valerie. Her eyes grow wider and wider and the biggest smile I've ever seen in my entire live seems to form on her face. Out of nowhere she practically jumps into Charlie's arms. "OMG!" she screams. Charlie gives her a big hug, lifting her of the ground for a second. "Did you like the show?" he asks, putting her back down. She nods her head excitedly. "Yes, yes, yes! You're amazing." - "Thank you." She turns to Valerie. "Can you take a photo of us?" Valerie seems a little uncomfortable, shooting a quick look at me and then Charlie. Without any hesitation he puts his arm around Julia. "Of course" It seems so normal for him... but of course, because it is normal for him... I look around the club and see more and more people looking in our direction. That's when I realize, after tonight everything will change.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now