Chapter 50

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I wake up with a bright smile on my face. Charlie is still asleep. I look at him for a bit, thinking about last night. He loves me... I still can't believe it. I feel like it's been months since I moved here when in reality it's been exactly three weeks. In those three weeks I opened up my own club and I found love... but most importantly I found happiness and a place that feels like home. When I was younger this was only a crazy dream of mine and now? Now I'm actually here. All the fights with my parents about this... all the nights planing the craziest plans with Jenny... all the days dreaming with grandpa... it all came true now. If I could talk to my younger self right now... I would tell her that all the pain and heartbreak she has to go through, it'll all be worth it in the end because it all builds up to this exact moment.

"I feel like we've been here before" I jump a little because I didn't expect Charlie to be awake. "What are you talking about?" He opens up one eye, peaking at me. "Me laying somewhere, you staring at me." I smile at the memory of him lying on my clubs floor. "Yeah... except now I get to do this." I lean forwards and place a kiss on his lips. I can feel him smile against my lips. "Yeah, and I... get to do this." He pushes himself up and rolls over so that he's on top of me, pinning my arms with his hands. He puts on a devilish grin and places a kiss on my lips. "I like that." I mumble against his lips. He pushes himself up a little. "Me too" he says, kissing me once again.

"So what's the theme of tonights party?" Charlie says while working on the scrambled eggs. "Karaoke" I reply. "So..." Charlie moves behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "How are my chances you'll sing with me?" I shake my head and laugh a little. "Let's say 50:50?" - "I'll take that." He places a kiss on my neck and returns to work on the eggs. "J, you'll sing too right?" - "Hell yeah!" She yells from the couch. That's one of the many things I love about Jenny. She's this crazy, outgoing person who'll just have the fun of her life in every situation. "Vic, what do you think about a little lunch break today?" I nod excitedly.

At the club there is, as usual, not too much to do. Valerie is just too good to be true. I don't know how I will ever be able to manage this without her. "Hey Victoria. Did you have a good day of yesterday?" I nod happily. "Thank Valerie. I really needed that break." - "Anytime Sweetie." It's crazy how this woman is more like a mother to me than my own mother ever was. She cares about me and not just about me achieving something in life. I'm assuming Jenny told her I needed a little break and she accepted it. She cares about my wellbeing and I'm honestly grateful for her. I walk over to her and give her a little hug. "Valerie, I honestly don't know what I'd ever do without you." She hugs me back and when I let her go a smile has placed itself on her face.

We spend the day with the usual preparations, cleaning a bit, checking the technology and the storage. Today I'm opening at 6pm already so we have to have everything ready a little earlier than the other days. My phone rings telling me I got a new text from Charlie. See you outside in 10. "Charlie will be here in 10 minutes for a little lunch break. J, you wanna come?" She shakes her head slightly. "I got a FaceTime lunch date of my own." I turn to Valerie. "Why don't you head home? Everything is set. Take some time to yourself before tonight." She nods and waves goodbye as she leaves the venue.

Charlie and I sit down at the same Mexican place we were at two days ago. I order another chicken quesadilla because it was just too goo. "So, I was thinking I could stay at the club until tonight? Don't really have anything planned this afternoon." I nod excitedly. "Yes! Jenny, you and I can have a little pre-karaoke karaoke party of our own!" I laugh at the thought of it. I can already picture it. The three of us doing a karaoke battle. "I like that plan." - "Me too." While we're waiting for the check my phone rings again. This time Jenny send me a text. V, you gotta come back here asap. Bring Charlie. I hold my phone up to Charlie so he can read the message. "That doesn't sound like Jenny at all, something must be wrong."

It takes us about 15 minutes to get to the club because of the insane LA traffic. Every minute that passes makes me more and more nervous. This time not even Charlie's presence can calm me down. "It'll be ok, Vic." He's right. It'll all be fine. We basically rush through the door of my club. When I see who's standing next to Jenny my heart skips a beat and I can't breath. Jenny turns around first, a worried look on her face. Painfully slowly the woman next to her turns around too. "Mom" My voice is barely a whisper. "Hello Victoria. It was quite the challenge to find you." She looks at Charlie. "Thanks to you and the press following you around I finally managed to find my daughter." I take a little step in front of Charlie. "Leave him out of this." A small grin forms on her face. "I don't care about him. But I know someone who does." I look at Jenny who's face is as white as snow. "Hello Vicky." Hiding in the shadows he steps into the light. "Max"

This is the final chapter of this book

I'm already working on part 2 "The Curse of Your Past" which I will start publishing daily on February 5.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now