Chapter 35

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"So... what are we gonna do now?" I tried my best to sound confident when talking to Ben but truth be told I'm worried. I have no idea what I've gotten myself into... all I know is that I won't let anyone take what Charlie and I have away from us. "I know someone who might be able to help." We walk back to Charlie's car and this time he only lets go of my hand for the time he needs to get into his seat and then takes it back into his. I meant what I said to him. This is our mess and we will fight it together. "Where are we going?" - "To a friend, luckily he and his girlfriend are currently in town. His name's Jeremy. You might have seen him on the poster." I think back to the poster that's hanging near my club. I've walked past it so many times by now but I can hardly remember anything but Charlie on it.

We stop in front of a fancy looking hotel just a few blocks away from my club. We both put on our sunglasses before we walk over to the entrance. Once we're inside we usher ourselves to the elevator, avoiding to be seen for too long. If this wasn't threatening a really good thing in my life it would almost be funny, just like playing hide and seek, but sadly it's not that simple at all. I've never really cared about celebrities private lives, never read the articles. I always thought it's cruel to not let them have any privacy. I now, more than ever, stand by that opinion. I think it should have been our choice whether or not we want people to know. More importantly we should have been allowed to figure out what we are before it is being dragged through the tabloids. When I was really little I dreamed about being a famous singer but when I grew older that dream faded... it was soon replaced by the dream of my club and I realize, I seem to always have had a feeling that being famous isn't as glamorous as it always appears.

Charlie knocks on a door. Seconds after a beautiful girl opens up. "Hey Car" He hugs her quickly and rushes through the door, pulling me along. The girl follows close behind. The room is huge, with a living area and a separate bedroom. A guy is sitting on the couch, Jeremy I presume. "Hey Jer." Charlie turns to me. "Vic, meet Jeremy and Carolynn. Guys, meet Victoria." I wave shyly. Jeremy jumps up to walk over to me and shake my hand. "Nice to meet you. I guess you're the mysterious Starbucks girl?" I just nod slightly, my eyes plastered to the floor. "Hey, nice to meet you!" The way Carolynn speaks to me makes me look up and her gaze is so warm and welcoming, I immediately feel better. "Not so mysterious anymore, I guess." I shrug my shoulders, looking at the ground again. "Right... we've seen the news." - "Actually, that's why we are here." Charlie squeezes my hand a little and pulls me along to the couch to sit down. Jeremy and Carolynn look at us, awaiting what he has to say. "I thought... maybe since... you know, you guys are together and everyone knows and it's working pretty well... you could maybe... help us figure out how to deal with this." They both nod.

Carolynn turns towards me. "Well... you have to be aware that it's not gonna be like dating a regular guy." I nod. This part I'm very aware of since this morning. "I think the best advice we can give you is to be open about it." She turns to Jeremy as if to see what he has to say about this. He nods a little. "Yeah, like not open about every little detail. But if you tell them some things they won't have as much gossip and will eventually get bored. Post stuff on social media, let people know what you want them to know. It'll make it easier to keep some things to yourself." What they say makes sense but I don't know how I feel about that. I've gotten used to keeping my life as private as possible, carefully making sure that no one can find out much about me, especially not my parents or Max, but I guess this isn't an option anymore anyways. They will find out either way. Maybe it truly is the better option. At least that way we can decide what we share. "Vic, you can still get out of this if you want." I know he only wants what's best for me, but I want the same for him and I can tell that this would not be what makes him happy and it wouldn't make me happy either. "Not an option Charlie."

For the next hour we talk to Jeremy and Carolynn about what things they make public and what they keep private. How they manage to avoid paparazzi catching them, when they don't want them too. How they make sure their is nothing about them that can be dragged through the mud. After that hour my brain feels like it's gonna explode. It's unbelievable what celebrities have to deal with on a daily basis. I'm starting to understand why some crack under the pressure. I know this won't be easy for us... it won't be easy for me... it will take a lot of getting used to but we both deserve to be happy. "Hey, Charlie, can I talk to you for a second?" I get up and pull him along with me into the other room. "Everything ok?" He seems worried. "Yeah, as ok as it can be I guess? I just... if we are gonna do this... we have to figure out what this is first." I look to the ground. He lifts my head back up with his hand at my chin. "I know exactly what this is to me" he whispers, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now