Chapter 39

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"V you're kidding right?" Jenny sounds like she thinks I've gone insane. Maybe I did. So much has happened since this morning, it's hard to stay sane if I'm honest. Charlie dropped me off at the back of my club, even though it wouldn't have mattered if anyone saw me getting out of his car, since we are official now, we thought it may be for the best, just to avoid getting mobbed or anything. He wanted to be back in about an hour to take me and Jenny to his apartment. "Victoria Porter. I am talking to you." I stop throwing things in my suitcase and turn to face Jenny. She gestures for me to sit down on the couch. I sigh but do it anyway. She sits down next to me. "V, did you think this through?" - "It's the only option." I know this doesn't really answer her question but it's the best I can do right now. No, I did not think this all the way through. I didn't have time to think this through.

"I can't be caught living in the back of my own club." Jenny isn't convinced. "Yeah, I get that part but there must be another option than to move in with Charlie... V, this went wrong before." - "HE'S NOT MAX!" I yell, wanting to jump up to keep on packing. Jenny grabs my hands so I have no option than to stay where I am. "I know he isn't! But you hardly know the guy! You met what, like two weeks ago?" I know this is crazy. Believe me, this is more than crazy but I don't know what else to do. I can't afford my own place yet, I can't afford to stay in a hotel either and I am definitely not asking Valerie. She has done enough for me and I won't drag her into any of this. "J, there is no other option. Plus, you're there with me for almost two weeks now. Also, I'm not the naive little girl I was the first time." - "Aren't you worried?" Is she kidding? "Worried? I'm terrified. Ever since I got here I tried my best to fight against the memories." - "And still you wanna do this?" Yeah, yeah I do.

Of course this could go wrong but I got my best friend with me, taking care of me. This time I got my eyes wide open, not blinded by any illusions some psycho put in my head. And... I mean... it's Charlie... the guy who got me a bracelet for my opening, the one who calms me down whenever I feel anxious. "I need him J. I don't know how to handle all this without him." I can feel her resistance vanish slowly. "Ok, fine. But I'm watching him. Anything happens, we're out of there. You got it?" I nod a little. She get's up, walking over to her suitcase and she starts packing. Once again I realize how lucky I am to have a friend like Jenny. She always had my back, even when everyone else turned on me because of all the lies Max fed them. She told me so many times that I should get out of there, get as far away from him as possible... I should have listened so much earlier. I will not make the same mistake again. She's with me through this and I can trust her. It'll all be fine.

We make our way out through the back, jumping into Charlie's car immediately. I wish he'd chosen a less crazy color for his car. I mean, orange? Pretty easy to make out that car once you know it but I guess for now no one has. Jenny sits in the back, awfully quiet. "J? You ok?" She just nods. I know she's worried about this, I should be too, but the second I sat down next to Charlie I had a feeling that it will all work out fine. "Alright, here we are." We pull up in front of what looks like a really basic apartment complex, nothing fancy, in a pretty calm neighborhood, no clubs or anything. I know we passed a few restaurants and stores on our way here but nothing major. We jump out of the car and I start walking towards the back of the car to grab my stuff. "Nah, don't worry, I got it." Charlie opens the trunk and grabs our suitcases. It's funny, I left my whole life behind and all I took was two suitcases. Crazy to realize how little you actually need. I smile a little and look over to Jenny who raises an eyebrow but smiles too.

"Well, that's it. Kitchen and living area right here, bathroom is the door to the right. My room is the last door, yours is the one before. Just make yourself at home." It's a really cute place, it even has a little balcony, which I love. It looks a little messy, not too messy but I'm sure he spent the time we used packing to clean it up. I think it gives it charm, looks like someone is actually living here which makes it so much more comfortable. Charlie stands in the middle of the living area and looks a little lost, rubbing his neck with his hand yet again. My feet walk over to him automatically, there is no way for me to stop them. "Thank you." I whisper before I fling my arms around his neck and kiss him. Behind us Jenny clears her throat. "I'm gonna go... into our room and... unpack." I almost forgot she was there with us, this happens way too often when I'm around him. I just laugh a little. "I'll come along." I move away from Charlie, over to Jenny and our suitcases. "I would offer to make dinner but my cocking skills are... unique." My body immediately tenses and I shoot a worried look over to Jenny who returns the same look. "What do you think about take out?" I relax. He's not Max, I remind myself.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now