Chapter 31

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I don't know for how long we've been in the water but my body starts shivering because it's slowly starting to get quite cold. We make our way back to the beach, hands intertwined. At this point, I think I'm gonna feel like I'm missing a part of me whenever his hand isn't locked with mine. "I'll be right back" Just like that he lets go of my hand and my thought is confirmed. He returns with two towels and hands me one of them. "Well prepared I see." He smirks and throws something at me as soon as I put the towel down. I catch it right before it lands on the ground. It's a black hoodie with a small yellow sun embroidered on the chest. I look up at Charlie. "I thought... just so you don't get cold." He rubs his neck, looking to the ground. This gesture has been driving me insane since what feels like forever.

I put on the hoodie, which on me looks like a mini dress... a very mini dress, and close the small gap between me and Charlie. He looks back up from the ground and it feels like he's looking directly into my soul. His eyes seem to reflect what I'm feeling right now. I put one arm around his neck, my other hand in his hair. I wanna pull him closer to me but he's faster. His arms are around my waist, pulling me closer so quickly I need to catch my breath for a second. And just like that he's kissing me again. The kiss is far from being as gentle as earlier today. For me it feels like I'm putting all the times I wanted to kiss him ever since I ran into him on my first day in LA into this kiss. When we pull apart we're both out of breath. I smile up at him, feeling happier than I've been for months. When I came to Los Angeles I never thought this would happen. I never thought I'd not only be able to build my own business, living my dream, but that I'd also find happiness like this. If this is a dream I don't ever wanna wake up.

"Vic, I honestly hate to ruin this moment but I'm freezing" I take my eyes off his face and look down just to realize he's still only wearing shorts, no shirt. For a second I get lost just looking at him but then I see a small shiver and snap back into the situation. "Omg, I'm sorry." I move a few inches away from him so he can grab a shirt. I sit down on the blanket facing the water and the moon. It's such a beautiful night. Charlie sits down next to me and I can feel a blanket being placed over my legs. "You're marvelously well prepared." He laughs a little. "I had to wait for this day quite a while, gave me time to plan" I look over at him, smiling, and place a careful kiss on his cheek. "Today has really been amazing." - "It has... but it's still not over. Remember? I asked for a whole day... meaning I still have time until midnight" I can't help but laugh a little.

"Alright, I can't offer a bonfire right now, but I could offer music?" I nod excitedly. Charlie reaches behind himself and grabs his guitar. I need to admit, I had already forgotten that it's there. "Any requests?" I think about it for a second. Then I remember the day he asked me for my number and a grin forms on my face. "Actually, I herby request Right Here, Right Now" I don't know if he remembers too but a knowing smile appears. "As you wish... but you have to be my Gabriella then" I've never sung in front of anyone but my parents, Jenny, Valerie and... well Max... and let's say, most of them weren't supportive about it. But this is Charlie.... even if I sing badly he wouldn't mind, would he? "I heard you sing when I was late for the soundcheck..." My body tenses at the thought of that moment and at the possibility of him thinking I'm really bad. "Your voice is great" He looks right at me, making it clear that he isn't lying. I relax a bit and nod a little.

Can you imagine, what would happen if we could have any dream he starts. I could listen to his voice all day. I'd wish this moment was ours to own it and that it would never leave. He looks at me and I take up all the courage I own. Then I would thank that star that made our wish come true. I look up at Charlie and the way he looks at me makes my heart skip a beat. Cause he knows that where you are... He joins in and together we sing is where I should be too.

"Vic, you are amazing! You should sing at your club sometime!" I shake my head hard. "I could never" I look to the ground feeling the pull of a distant memory. I try my best to push it back but it's hard. I remember myself jumping around the apartment, singing, when Max comes in and says you want me to go deaf? From that day on I never sung around anyone anymore... "Vic?" I can feel Charlie's hand on my chin, gently pulling me to face him. "Is there anything you wanna talk about?" I shake my head slightly. I know, eventually I'll have to tell him at least a bit about why I'm so messed up but right now I don't want any of that ruining tonight. I force a small smile on my face, pushing the memory even further back and lean a little closer over at Charlie. Right now I don't wanna talk, I just wanna kiss him. He closes the gap between us in the blink of an eye and places a gently kiss on my lips.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now