Chapter 2

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Once we get our drinks we sit down. Charlie - lovely name he has by the way - chose the furthest and darkest corner of that small Starbucks there is... kinda weird.

"So what brings you to LA, Victoria?" I'm ripped out of my thoughts and caught off guard by his beautiful eyes - again... they are gonna be the death of me. "Ehm, business. How'd you know I'm not from here?" - "The way you said your name. Didn't sound American to me. So business." He pauses and puts on a thinking face. Hallelujah, I didn't think he could get any cuter but the way he raises his eyebrows and that little smirk on his face... he's unreal. Once again I wonder if I hit my head harder than I thought when I fell and am still dreaming, lying on the streets of Los Angeles.

The silence starts to feel a bit awkward so I guess it is about time I start asking a question. "So, what are you doing? I mean, apart from knocking over girls and almost burning their arms?" His eyes widen in shock and I can't help but start laughing. Great that I caught him off guard for once too. He regains his cool pretty fast and just casually says: "Well, I just finished a job here. Now I'm just enjoying the city for a bit and then... we'll see where life takes me next." He smirks again, knowing how confusing and pretty much not giving up anything his answer is. The wheels in my head start turning right away - I love solving mysteries, even though I'm terrible at it.

He must have taken my silence as approval for the topic being properly dealt with. "Business, huh? What exactly is that? Finding handsome young man that pay for your drinks?" Before I even have a chance to be shocked he bursts into laughter. I could listen to his laugh all day. Oh my gosh how does he even do that? I don't fall for guys that quickly. Apart from Max I've actually never fallen for anyone before but in a matter of minutes this good-looking, charming guy with beautiful eyes and a contagious smile made me fall for him. This isn't gonna go well. I have to focus on my dream. I have to prove I can do it, for me and grandpa. Right! My dream! He asked about the business.

By now he must be thinking I have a very slow mind because I constantly zone out and just stare at him. I swear my life would be much easier if he was wearing sunglasses. He patiently waits for my answer though, looking at me like I'm a puzzle he can't yet solve. I guess that's something we have in common. "I wanna open up a club. Been my dream for years and now I get to live it." I smile but then I start to realize I have no idea if it is actually going to work out. What if I fail like everyone thought I will? "Hopefully" I add, looking down at the drink in my hands. "Woah! Your own club? That's so cool! I'll definitely be your first costumer!" His positivity and energy overwhelm me and somehow they jump over to me. "Thanks" I say with a big smile on my face.

"Now that you know, well, pretty much my biggest dream in live... how about you tell me yours?" I can see his gaze changing, like he is considering what he can tell me. I've never seen anyone being so secretive about such basic things as, for example, jobs. "Mhm..." he starts. You can almost see how his brain keeps thinking and thinking. He looks around the whole Starbucks as if to check who's there. Is he hiding something? I mean there must be something about him that is not perfect, right? "I guess you could say my biggest dream in live is to be happy. Like, genuinely happy. Waking up every morning and getting out of bed with a big smile on my face because I'm looking forward to my day. I don't wanna end up like the people who hate their job and get up with a grim face every day."

Wow, that was kind of poetic. Almost poetic enough to hide the fact that he, again, didn't really say anything that tells me much about him. Apart from the fact that he wants to be happy in life - don't we all somehow? I look back into his eyes. I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself. I think I can see worry. Why would he worry about what he just told me? "So you're telling me, if someone was to wake you up at, let's say 6am, you would jump out of your bed all smiley? I don't believe that." The worry seems to leave his eyes and a big smile returns to his face. "Yep, definitely saying I would. Maybe you should try some day and see for yourself." He raises an eyebrow and smirks. Did he just invite me to wake him up at 6am? That would mean he wants to see me again. I can feel butterflies in my stomach jumping with happiness. When I meet his gaze I feel like he's staring right into my soul. He definitely knows what he's doing here.

Out of nowhere I can see panic raising in his face. He looks around everywhere. Suddenly he jumps up. "I'm sorry, I have to go." Without saying another word he practically runs out the store. When I get out onto the street he is nowhere to be seen.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now