Chapter 36

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I don't think I will ever get sick of the feelings I have whenever he kisses me. The butterflies in my stomach, the shivers on my whole body... I could drown in that feeling. Sadly, reality is catching up eventually and we're back in the present, with the current issue at hand. "What about you?" What about me? What does he mean? Oh! What this is for me. I think about it for a second and honestly, I have no idea. I feel like I haven't had a second to process everything that happened ever since I met him. I can't believe it's only been a little over two weeks since then. By the amount of events it feels like months. I know I promised myself to take things slow, this is far from slow but if I'm honest with myself, I know exactly what I want... who I want. It might be crazy and maybe even a little stupid but it feels so right. I know emotions cloud your judgement but right now I think that's exactly what I have to listen to... my feelings... and in my heart I know this is what I want.

Charlie seems to have taken my silence for doubt because he slowly lowers his head, his eyes fixed on the ground. "Charlie..." He looks back up at me. "I'm sorry. It's just, ever since we met I didn't have a second to breathe and just think about what I want... I didn't come here for a Hollywood romance... I came here to live my dream... and then I met you and it all happened so fast..." - "Vic, it's ok... I get it." I can feel his fingers slowly letting go of my hand. I cling onto it like my life depends on it. "No you don't! I told you there's a lot in my past that you don't know of. It damaged me... and I didn't think there was anyone who could ever... I don't know... make me truly happy..." I place my free hand on his neck, catching his eyes with mine. "... and then I met you. You make me happier than I've ever been. There's nothing I want more than to be with you." His lips curl up into a big smile and I pull him down a little until our lips meet.

I can hear someone clear his throat behind us. "Sorry, I hate to interrupt but... your phone is going off Charlie." Jeremy looks a little uncomfortable. We follow him back into the living room, both grabbing our phones. I check to see if Valerie or Jenny texted me. Jenny did, telling me the paparazzi eventually realized she wasn't me but that was only 20 minutes ago so I doubt they have any clue where we are right now. If I take an Uber back later they will have no idea where I just came from. It's crazy how my mind starts to wrap around possibilities of hiding already. I look over to Charlie who's looking kind of frustrated. "It's Ben" he says to no one in particular. "I guess I have to call him back." As if it's the most natural thing in the world he puts his phone on speaker so we can all hear. Max never did that. He left the room and closed the door behind him whenever he took a call. It felt so normal to me back then, even though I never bothered to do the same. "What is it now Ben?" I can feel the tension in the room increasing by the sound of Charlie's voice. He sounds frustrated, annoyed but I can also tell he's exhausted.

"Boy, what are you doing? Hanging up on me... not ok. What is that girl doing to you?" It almost makes me angry that he refuses to use my name. "Victoria" Charlie pronounces it extra clearly "isn't doing anything to me apart from making me happy." There is a short pause and I think I can hear Ben sigh on the other end of the line. "Look, I know you care about her a lot... and it's probably my own fault since I helped you find her but this... this isn't good." This isn't good? What does he mean with this? Him and I? I can hardly hold back on saying something again, but I try to calm myself. I don't wanna make things worse. "Ben, I know this is bad. Do you think I like the way it is right now? I know I promised to be more careful and I know I messed up. I just wanted to be normal again for one day." When he speaks again, Ben's voice has changed... it sounds softer. "I know... I'm sorry... this can't be easy on you." There is a short break filled with silence again.

"Ok... so... we have to fix this somehow, because the way it is right now I can imagine there are tons of reporters outside of Victoria's club. I hope they don't know where she lives yet." Oh no... I didn't think about that yet. I can already see the headlines. Charlie Gillespie dating poor girl that lives in the back of her club. Charlie must sense my uneasiness because he looks over at me and mouths we got this. It'll all be ok. We'll figure it out. "Were are you now?" - "At Jeremy's hotel room." - "Ok good. Meet me at my office as soon as you can. Bring Victoria." I did not miss that for the first time today he actually used my name when referring to me. I guess that's a start. They hang up and we prepare ourselves to leave. "Wait a second." Carolynn runs out the room, only to return a second later with a beautiful sun hat. "Wear this... just in case." I smile at her thankfully. She hugs me and whispers into my ear "You got this. Don't let anyone take away what you two have."

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now