Chapter 17

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After my call with Jenny I gathered some things to go for an early morning swim. I figured, since I can't sleep anymore anyways I might as well watch the sunrise at the beach. Walking down the street towards the beach I once again can't believe I'm actually here. I think it'll take me quite a while to get used to this. Even though it's only 5am the sand is warm and the water is nice. I swim for a bit and then I sit down at the beach and just watch the waves. Ever since I was a little kid I've been drawn to the water for some reason. I feel like this has always been my destiny. I think back to the times my grandpa and I used to dream about me moving to LA one day. We used to paint an image of what my club would look like in our heads. Naturally, the venue I bought isn't exactly what we dreamed of but it is insanely close. I think I've found what I've been looking for.

Once I get back to the club I get dressed, do my hair and put on a tiny but of make-up. I love styling myself but only when there is an occasion. For the every day style I like to keep it basic. By now it's about time I go grab some breakfast. I head out of the club and make my way to Starbucks. For the first time I can go there without feeling angry or sad, instead I feel happy. I look over to the corner where Charlie and I sat. It feels like that was ages ago, not just a little over a week. I grab a Caramel Macchiato and a blueberry muffin and make my way back to the club. My phone rings and I look to see who texted me. The next thing I know are hands on my arms. "Woah, should we really do that again?" I look up to see Charlie smirking at me. My heart starts racing. I did not expect to see him today. "What are you doing here?" He looks confused. "I told you I'll have to hang out at your club a lot now that I need to practice." My heart skips a beat. Seriously, one day that man will give me a heart attack.

Inside my club Charlie takes off his sunglasses and his hoodie. He must have been dying in that thing. It feels like it's 200 degrees out. When he pulls off his hoodie his shirt slides up a bit and for a second I can see the muscles on his stomach. Suddenly I feel like it's 200 degrees in here as well. I look away before he catches me staring at him. "So, you ain't got nothing better to do on a Saturday?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He looks at me for a second, thinking about it. "Better than hanging out with you? Nah, don't think so." My cheeks turn bright red and I can't hide my smile. He jumps onto the couch. "So, what's the plan?" I don't know. I didn't really plan to do much today. I was gonna go hand out some flyers, maybe go through the storage to see if we need to fill up anything, even though I'm pretty sure Valerie did have a look before she sold the club to me. "Well, nothing much really. We could talk about what songs you're gonna play?" - "Sounds good"

We spent at least three hours talking about possible songs for him to play and I think we came up with a pretty decent setlist. "Victoria, you're a tough woman to make business with. I'm starving, can we grab some food?" By now he's laying on the floor looking like he is about to die from starvation. I don't even know when he moved from the couch to the floor but he looks damn good down there. His eyes are closed so I take a second to just look at him. His white muscle shirt doesn't really leave much room for the imagination. I've always been so captured by the beauty of his eyes that I never really got a chance to just look at him. Now I do... he's just amazing. He opens one eye and looks at me. "Are you done staring so we can finally get food?" Omg. My cheeks burn and I have to look away. That's embarrassing. How did he know? He jumps up and comes over to me. I can't bare to look at him, I'm way too embarrassed. He takes my chin into his hand and turns my head so I have to face him. "Hey, don't be embarrassed. I liked it, I'm just simply very hungry." As if to prove his point his tummy growls. We both laugh. We decide to order something since it's easier for him than to make sure no-one recognizes him and we both can't be asked to go outside right now.

"Victoriaaaa, I'm hungryyyy." By now Charlie has returned to his position on the floor, however he keeps staring at me, not closing his eyes for one second. Maybe it's for the best. I couldn't handle him catching me staring at him again and I know I would. He just looks too good stretched out on my floor. "Food will be here in..." I check the app on my phone. "2 minutes. I'm gonna go to the back real quick and grab my bank card." He practically jumps up from the floor and I flinch a little. "You are most certainly not. I'm paying." No, definitely not happening. "Nop. I'm paying, you're already playing my opening for free." He rolls his eyes. "Once again. I'm not playing it for free, you're spending a day with me in return. Now let me be a gentleman and pay for lunch." - "Make me." The second I say that I know I shouldn't have. His eyes turn dark and sexy and he moves closer to me. "Pizza!" someone yells from the door.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now