Chapter 44

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"V, I'm tired. I'll hop in the shower and then I'll go sleep." Jenny is tired? I can't believe I'm hearing this. Usually I am the one falling sleep while she is still so full of energy. I look over to her and she winks. Oh... she is tired... yes, of course. I roll my eyes a little. Charlie is currently in the kitchen, cleaning up our mess. I wanted to help but he insisted on doing it. Jenny leaves the room and I'm left alone on the couch. I was so worried that moving in with Charlie would bring up bad memories. Yes, the last night was hard, but that was not because I moved in with him, it was because of those cruel people out there. Being here with him... I feel like it's keeping the bad memories away from me. It's crazy how different Charlie and Max are. They are nothing alike, not even a little bit. "What are you thinking about?" I didn't notice Charlie is standing next to me. "How lucky I am to have you in my life." He sits down next to me, placing on arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. "I am the lucky one." I smile against his chest.

We stay like this for a while, watching some Netflix. "Have you ever... you know... watched the show I'm in?" I shake my head. I considered it once, but I didn't even have time to actually do it and I don't know, it would have felt weird. I think I need a bit more time to get used to the fact that I can see my boyfriend acting on TV. "I'd love to know what it's about though. What's your character like?" - "Well. His name is Luke and he has this band with his best friends. They are about to play a big show and then right before they die." I look up at him. "That's sad!" He shakes his head. "I mean yeah... but no. They come back as ghosts and meet this insanely talented girl and when they perform with her they become visible to everyone." - "That's... confusing." We both laugh a little. "Anyway, Luke only has one regret in his life. He had a huge fight with his mum and ran away. They never got to talk again before he died." I flinch at the mention of a fight with his mum. The memory from last night comes back into my mind. "What's wrong?" I can't answer. I try to focus on my breathing.

"Sorry..." I mumble against Charlie's chest once I gathered myself again. "Vic, what just happened?" I take a deep breath. "Last night... I wasn't just upset because of these stupid comments." He waits for me to continue. Somehow, he seems to sense that he just needs to give me a little more time. "After I read those comments I remembered something... I often get these stupid flashbacks. After Max, my toxic ex, and I broke up I went home to see my parents. We didn't have the best relationship back then... I think at this point they even liked him way more than me but they are my parents..." My voice breaks. Charlie strokes my hair gently, waiting for me to continue. "My mum didn't even let me in. Just said she doesn't want to see me anymore. I should have known better than to go there. I knew I couldn't count on her but... she's my mother." Tears start streaming down my face. Charlie stays silent, gently stroking my hair, placing a kiss on my hairline. After a little he whispers "I'm so sorry Vic." We stay like this for a while, me curled up in Charlie's arm, him stroking my hair gently.

"I'm such a mess." I can feel him shaking his head. "You are not! You've been through a lot. But look at you! Here you are. You left your whole life behind and moved to an entirely different country! Not a lot of people have that courage. Your opening was a blast and I'm sure tomorrow's Open-Mic will be great too. You have a crazy supportive best friend, who, from what I can tell, is the best best friend anyone could wish for and... you... well you got me." I look up at Charlie, a small smile forming on my lips. "I don't know what I would do without you Charlie." Suddenly all the exhaustion of today takes over my body and I can hardly stop myself from drifting off into sleep. I try to fight it but after a few moments I'm asleep. It's such a peaceful and revitalizing sleep. I don't wake up once throughout the night. "V?" I startle awake to see Jenny walking out of our room. It takes me a second to figure out what's going on. I'm still curled up in Charlie's arms but a blanket is placed over us. I look up to Charlie who's eyes slowly open up. "Good Morning Darling" he whispers. The sound of his voice sends shivers through my body. "Did you guys sleep out here?"

I move up from the couch, stretching myself, deliberately ignoring Jenny's question. "I'm gonna go shower." Just like that Charlie leaves the room. "Victoria?" Jenny says raising an eyebrow. "We fell asleep." I shrug my shoulders. "And why is your mascara all smeared?" The cons of having a super alert best friend. "I told him about the day we went to see my parents after Max and I broke up..." Jenny's eyes widen. "Why?" - "I had a flashback two nights ago and... we talked about his role in that TV show and a fight with parents came up and... the memory came back and I panicked... I had to tell him. He has a right to know." She thinks about it for a moment. "You never told anyone that." I nod. "Not like I had many people to talk apart from you but... if him and I are serious he deserves to know it all."

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now