Chapter 4

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Charlie's POV

The next morning

I wake up to my phone ringing... again. It had been ringing since what felt like hours. I roll over to my bedside table to grab my phone. It's Ben, my manager... as expected. "Yes?" I can hardly stop myself from yawning. I had slept like crap after running out on Victoria like that but considering Ben trying to call me since forever, I was right. "Care to explain to me what I read in the tabloids this morning?" I can tell he isn't happy. Of course he isn't. I sit up in bed before I answer. "I haven't checked them yet - what did you read?" I try to buy myself some time to consider what I'm going to tell him.

Charlie Gillespie takes mysterious girl on a coffee date - is he in love? Ben reads out. Oh dear, I should have known it was a bad idea. "Listen Ben, I can explain." I sigh. "Oh you better can." I swallow, knowing he won't be amused by what I'm about to tell him. „"I was walking down Sunset Boulevard and didn't pay attention. I knocked over this girl and got half my coffee over the sleeve of her shirt. I wanted to make it up to her so I offered to buy her a coffee." I can tell Ben is carefully considering how he is going to tell me that I screwed up. "And you didn't think their might be press around? Or that that girl could snatch a picture and leak it?" That girl? She wasn't just some girl. I don't know why but there was something about her, that spark in her eyes when she told me about her dream. She is different, I know it.

"Ben, she literally had no idea who I am. She just got to LA. And yes, I did think about the press, that's why I chose the furthest corner possible. The second I heard the click of a camera I ran, but I guess I was too late." I'm overcome by this feeling of sadness. I know it was an awful move to just run out of there and leave her wondering why. I acted like the classy dick. I just didn't wanna drag her into this mess but now I kind of did anyway. "Didn't do a great job on this one boy." Ben sighs, I sigh too. "I know. Listen, I'm really sorry. I know I screwed up. I should have been more careful. But there was something about her." I pause. I try to think about how much I can tell him. Ben has been my manager for about 3 years now. He's been with me through all my auditions. The good ones and the bad ones. He knows me better than anyone does. I can trust him, he just wants the best for me.

"It was nice being around someone who isn't interested in Charlie Gillespie, the actor that just stared and a Netflix show, but in the real Charlie." There is a slight shift in Ben's voice when he replies. "I know it's hard. All the fame and people just caring about that. Takes a lot of getting used too. But are you sure she didn't know? Some people hide their true nature really well. What if you didn't bump into her? What if it was all an act?" Could I be that wrong about her? Was it all fake? I know there are a lot of people out there who'd do anything for a good story but she seemed so real. My instincts never betrayed me and until proven any different I'm gonna believe that whatever we had was real. "Honestly Ben. I'm sure. She told me about how it was her dream to open up her own club here and then she asked me about my dream. If she would have know she would have tried to get more personal stuff out of me. Is it so hard to believe someone actually likes me? I mean, just me... not my fame."

"Charlie, I really wish you'll find someone that does. You will. But you gotta be more careful. Let's say she was honest and actually doesn't know you. Is it fair on her that the press is gonna follow her around from now on?" He was right. I dragged her into my drama and didn't even warn her. I just left her and now she has to deal with whatever might follow. It really wasn't fair. When I heard the clicking of the camera I hoped I was quick enough, for both of our sake, but somewhere deep down I knew it was too late. I should have just stayed and told her the truth. Would she still have liked me? Did she even like me or was she just being polite? I really hope they didn't get a good enough shot of her and she won't have to suffer from paparazzi following her around. She deserves to have a real chance at making her dream work.

"Ben, I screwed up so much, didn't I?" I always screw things up. "The press is nothing we can't handle, don't worry about it." - "I didn't mean the press." I don't care about what they'll do to me. They can turn this into whatever they want, as long as she stays the mysterious girl and they leave her alone. "You really like her, don't you?" I guess I do, do I? I have to make this right somehow. She deserves to know the truth. If she has to find out who the Charlie she met really is then she should find out from me and not from the stupid media. "Ben, you have to help me fix this." - "What do you want me to do?" A plan starts to arrange itself in my mind. "You have to help me find the mysterious girl. Help me find Victoria."

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now