Chapter 33

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The sound of a phone alarm wakes me from my sleep. Jenny and I stayed up way too long last night, talking about what happened with Charlie... I can't help but smile at the thought of it. I fumble for my phone, not even remembering that I set an alarm. Slowly I'm starting to realize it's not an alarm, it's a call. I pick up. "Victoria, we have an issue." It's Valerie. "What's wrong?" She seems stressed. The opening went great and I'm not meant to open the club again until Wednesday for my Open-Mic-Night so I can't really think of a reason. "Can you let me in through the back? I'll explain in a sec." - "Sure." I hang up and make my way to the back entrance, a weird feeling overtaking me. Valerie's face is filled with worry when I let her in. "What's going on?" Jenny walks up to us, my phone must have woken her up too. Valerie lifts a newspaper to our faces. The headline practically jumping into our faces reads:

Charlie Gillespie and Victoria Porter - more than just business partners?

I feel like I'm gonna faint. Underneath the headline is the photo of us kissing in Disneyland. "V?" I didn't realize I'm pressed against the wall, almost unable to control my breathing. Calm down Victoria, you always knew this would eventually happen. Eventually, yes, but not now. We have yet to figure out what this is and we definitely don't need paparazzi everywhere. "Victoria, I'm sorry, but there is a huge crowd of paparazzi in front of the door." I can't think straight. I don't know what to do. I can feel panic raising in my chest. Breathe Victoria, breathe. Charlie... omg... I take my phone out of my back pocket, calling Charlie. "I'll be right back." I go back to my room and close the door. "Good Morning Love. Do you already miss me?" His voice sounds like I just woke him up, which I probably did. "You didn't see it yet did you?" My voice starts to tremble and I can feel tears forming in my eyes. "Vic, what's wrong?" - "They know" is all I manage to say, my voice breaking. He doesn't say anything for a second but then he seems to realize what I mean. "Shit... I'll be there as soon as I can." I shake my head fiercely. "You can't. There are paparazzi everywhere." - "I'll find a way. This is my mess and I won't let you go through it alone." - "It's our mess now."

I walk back out to Valerie and Jenny, both looking at me with a lot of worry. "Victoria..." I hold up a hand to stop her. "Just don't..." I don't wanna talk about it. I don't know what to say. We should have been more careful. I grab the newspaper and take a look at the photo. Charlie isn't wearing his sunglasses. He took them off in the Haunted Mansion because it was way too dark and I guess we both just forgot. This shouldn't have happened. Damn, we shouldn't even need to worry about this. "It's his life... why can't they just let him live it?" Tears start building in my eyes again, but this time it's out of anger. They have no right to do this. We have a good thing going here and they have no right to bulge in and make it their business. My phone rings, announcing a new text. It's from Charlie, telling me he'll be at the back door in ten minutes. "He'll be here soon." Both Valerie and Jenny's eyes widen. "V, do you think that's a good idea?" I nod. "You know what, I got an idea." We both look at Valerie hopeful. "Jenny, let's put you in that cute red wrap dress and get you some sunglasses." We both realize what Valerie is up to. Jenny and I don't look too much alike, but we are about the same height, she's only slightly taller than me, and we have the same brown hair, just that her's is naturally beachy curly while mine is just... problematic. "J, would you be up for this?" A huge smile forms on her face. "Hell yeah? This feels like a Hollywood movie!" I laugh a little. "Alright Ladies. Victoria, text Charlie that you're going on a drive with him. Jenny, let's get you ready."

I shoot Charlie a quick text and then run into my room to change into normal clothes since I'm still wearing my PJs. I grab my sunglasses and make my way to the back door. Right before I go outside I hear Jenny and Valerie leaving the club through the front door. I honestly wouldn't know what I'd do without them. Just when I exit the club Charlie arrives and I hop into the car. He's wearing a hat and sunglasses but even though I can't see his eyes I can feel the tension. We don't say anything for a while. I have no idea where we're driving but I don't really care. For the first time since the day he showed up at my club the silence between us makes me uncomfortable. I can tell something is off between us. Carefully I reach for his hand. He lets me take it but his face is still petrified. It's killing me how weird it is between us, especially after yesterday, and the fact that I'm still fighting to cope with what it will mean that the media knows isn't helping. "Charlie, talk to me... please." He doesn't say anything, he doesn't face me, just keeps his eyes fixed on the road ahead. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes again but I try my best to push them back. After what feels like an eternity he pulls into an empty parking lot in the middle of nowhere. He lets go of my hand painfully slowly. Taking a deep breath he says "I'm sorry you ever met me Victoria."

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now