Chapter 11

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"Don't look at me like that." Charlie says smiling raising his hands as if he has no idea why we stare at him. As if he didn't just say he can help with a problem that's worth a little mental crisis. "Boy who I have never seen before, how do you think you can help?" Valerie is her usual skeptical self. That's something I really like about her. She doesn't hand out her trust easily. People have to convince her they are worth it. I used to be the same... I think I still kinda am... with Charlie it was just different. Apparently his magic doesn't work on her because she raises an eyebrow at him. I can't help but let out a small giggle. They both look at me like I've lost my mind. "Sorry" I say laughing. "Valerie, that's Charlie. Charlie, that's Valerie. Valerie came with the club and help me with... well everything." I turn to Valerie. "Charlie came with a coffee that spilled on my sleeve and now I can't get rid of him." He gasps in shock and I start laughing again.

Valerie starts to relax a little but she still eyes Charlie carefully. He clears his throat and I can't believe what he says. "Well... if you're in need of an opening act... how about... well... me?" My eyes widen in disbelieve. He did not just offer me to play at my club, did he? "You? And what are you gonna do? Throw coffee at the audience?" Omg Valerie. I can't believe her. Obviously she has no idea who he is either. I instantly like her more. Charlie looks at me shocked and speechless and I burst into laughter. He joins in and Valerie stares at us as if we both lost our minds. "Well..." he starts. "That is one option. I thought I might bring my guitar and sing, though." Valerie turns to me. "You're telling me that guy just appears out of nowhere the minute you need a new opening act? Victoria, you are one lucky girl." Indeed I am, I think to myself. 

I can't let him do that though. He was on a poster advertising a new Netflix show. He definitely has bigger things to do than playing at my little unimportant club opening. "You don't have to do that Charlie." Valerie throws me an indignant look. I know I should take him up on his offer because I really need a solution but still. "I know but I want to. Also, I really wanna show you I care about you so... let me do this... please?" Omg can he please not look at me like a lost puppy? He knows exactly what he's doing because the second he senses me resistance fall he cracks a smile. "Ok boy. We appreciate your offer but you're gonna have to convince us by showing us your talent." Valerie looks at him all business and serious now. "I shall do gladly. Let me go back to my apartment, grab my guitar and I'll be back in... an hour?" Valerie nods. He looks at me as if he needs my permission to leave. Then I realize he probably doesn't want me to feel like he just ran out again so I nod and smile at him. 

Once the door of the club closes Valerie turns to me. "Ok. You tell me everything about how in the hell you know Charlie Gillespie." My eyes widen in shock. "You know him?" She laughs. "Of course I do. My niece is obsessed with him. Watches that show he's in all day long." She really is a professional, not showing for one second that she has any clue who he is. I really admire her. I hope one day I will be the same successful business woman as she is now. Once again I'm so happy I have her and can learn from her. Sometimes I seriously wouldn't know what I'd do without her. I definitely couldn't be opening up my own club in a week. "Alright, I'll tell you. But if you know who he is then why give him such a hard time?" She smiles. "I don't know. Was kinda fun to see him sweat. Didn't wanna give him a too easy time trying to impress you." I open my mouth in shock. "Impress me? You must have gotten something wrong." Her eyes soften. "Oh honey, I think you got something wrong. The boy is crazy about you. And that's exactly why I want to know how this happened."

Once I'm done telling her everything she gets more excited than I have ever seen her before. "This is such a crazy story! Almost seems like a movie script. I love it. Gonna be such a great story to tell your grandchildren later." OMG Valerie. Maybe she is a little too enthusiastic about this. "Take it slow Valerie, I hardly know the guy." Deep down I know she's right now. It could turn out to be a really great story. She smiles knowingly. "Well, you're obviously crazy about him and he is obviously crazy about you. That's all I need to know to tell this will be epic." I shake my head smiling. "And now he's gonna save the day by playing your club on opening night. The media will go crazy over this." My body immediately gets tense. The media. No, no, no. That was exactly what he tried to protect me from. "The media... they can't know. At least not until after the opening." Valerie looks at me in disbelief. "Victoria, your club will be packed if they know." Yes, it will be packed with paparazzi that only care about why he is playing my club and not that a new club is opening. 

"I want the people to come because they wanna experience my club. We can announce a special surprise guest, fine but we are keeping his name out of it." Valerie seems to understand where I'm coming from so she just nods. 

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now