Chapter 28

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My alarm goes off but I feel like it's the middle of the night. I kept waking up because I was just too excited for today. Jenny pretty much jumps up as if she just had 100 hours of beauty rest. "V get up! We have to get you ready!" - "J, chill it's 8am. We have plenty of time." She rolls her eyes and drags me out of bed. I get up, stretch myself and sit down at the little table that Jenny has turned into a make-up artist studio in the last 10 minutes. "Please don't overdo it." I know how carried away she can get when it comes to make-up and I still wanna look like myself. She rolls her eyes again. I get the feeling that she is even more excited about today than I am.

After what feels like hours, when in reality it was like 30 minutes, Jenny proudly presents me her work. She did really well! I still look like myself, just slightly prettier. She kept the make-up really basic, yet pretty. My eyelids got the slightest shimmer of gold and my cheeks are just a little more rosy than usually. I wanna get up but her hands push me back down. "Where do you think you're going? Your hair?" She looks at me like I'm insane to have forgotten and I can't help but laugh. After yet another eternity she is done. She curled my hair into big curls, which basically means she freshened up the curls from last night, and clipped a few strands back. "Alright, you shall get dressed." I walk over to my clothes. "Oh, wear a bikini underneath. You never know if you get thrown into water again." I laugh and grab my bikini and the dress.

At 10am straight the door of my club opens. "Good Morni..." Charlie stops right where he stands and looks at me. "Woah. You look stunning." My cheeks blush and I bet they are much more red than the make-up can cover up. I take a look at Charlie. He's wearing black jeans again and a black muscle shirt. "Thanks, you look pretty nice yourself." We just stare at each other for a second. "Hey loverboy, what you got there?" I throw an annoyed look at Jenny who just laughs. "Oh right, I brought coffee..." He places it at the bar and rubs his neck. Does he know how crazy that gesture drives me? He takes out a cup and walks over to me. "Caramel Macchiato... your favorite, right?" I nod slightly and take the cup, a bright smile forming on my face. "And what do I get?" Jenny calls from behind me. Charlie takes another cup. "Black, as your humor." Jenny starts laughing again. "I really like that guy" - "Ready to go? There's a blueberry muffin waiting for you in my car." He kept bringing a new Starbucks drink every morning, always something fancy for me to try. I only once mentioned what my favorite coffee was but he remembered. He remembers my love for blueberry muffins too. I really am lucky.

"So where are we going?" He shakes his head, smiling. "Oh so you lure an innocent girl into your car by promising her favorite muffin so you can take her to some dark place...?" He laughs. "You're such a drama queen Vic. Just let me surprise you." I let myself fall back into the seat eating my muffin. Once I'm done Charlie takes my hand and starts drawing circle on the back of it with his thumb, sending shivers down my spine. Suddenly I'm not nervous anymore. I just feel happy and excited. "Ok Vic. You're gonna have to do me a favor now. Close your eyes and don't open them until I say so." I roll my eyes a little. "Who's being dramatic now?" - "Just do it. For me?" Argh, go away with those puppy dog eyes. Giving up my resistance I close my eyes. All I can think about now is his thumb still drawing circle on the back of my hand.

After what felt like an eternity he says. "Alright open your eyes." The car has come to a stop and I slowly open my eyes. In front of me is a huge ferries wheel with a big mouse head in the middle. I turn over to Charlie, excitement overtaking my thoughts. "OMG WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND??" He just nods happily. "Glad you like it." I like it? I like it? "Charlie I love it!" He jumps out of the car and walks over to open my door. I practically jump into his arms. "OMG I'M SO EXCITED!" He laughs and swirls me around before he sets me back down on my feet. He puts on his hat and some sunglasses and takes my hand. Together we walk over to the entrance. I still can't believe this is happening. While we're waiting in line to get in I glance over at Charlie. How in the world did I get so lucky? When we're finally in I don't even know where to go to first.

"You ever been here before?" Charlie laughs a little. "Yeah, obviously go here daily." He rubs his neck again. "Nah, I'm only here for you" The butterflies return to their home in my stomach. "Well, let's show you how great Disney is then, huh?" I drag him towards the nearest thing, realizing it's the ferris wheel I've seen from outside. We hop in. It starts moving slowly and the fear comes creeping. I've never been on a ferris wheel before... too scared of heights. But I always said I'll do it one day and if not now then when? I know I'm save as long as Charlie is with me. "You ok?" He looks worried. Of course he felt something is up. "Just scared of heights." I shrug my shoulders. "Vic! Why didn't you say so?" - "Always wanted to go on a ferris wheel..." I look down at my hands. Charlie moves closer to me and pulls me into his arms. "You're save with me" he whispers into my ear.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now