Chapter 32

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We sit at the beach for a little longer, neither of us saying anything. The only sound being Charlie strumming his guitar quietly. Out of nowhere an alarm goes off. Charlie fumbles for his phone, hardly able to find it since it's so dark. I look over at him, raising an eyebrow. "Well... it's technically time to drive you home... you know to have you home by midnight because... well that's when my day ends" I burst into laughter. "You set yourself an alarm?" Is all I manage to say through my laugh. I don't even know why I find that so incredibly funny but I can't stop laughing. I practically roll myself over the blanket, tears in my eyes. "What's so funny?" I can tell he's trying real hard to suppress his own laugh. "I... don't... know... I... can't... stop..." I manage to say. I can hardly see him in the dark but I can feel he's very close. Just like that my arms are pinned to the ground and his lips are on mine again. A last laugh is leaving my lips before I'm drowning in his kiss.

He pushes himself back up, pulling me along. "Time to go." I wish we could simply stay here forever, but he's right, even though I think I heard a trace of disappointment in his voice. We gather everything and take it back to Charlie's car. I hop in the passengers seat and as soon as Charlie is in the driver's seat he takes my hand. I could really get used to this. He turns on some music and we scream every song from the top of our lungs. We get back to my club way too fast. It's 11:50pm when we stop. I turn to face Charlie. "Thank you for today, it was amazing... one of the best days I had in a really long time." He lifts our hands up to his face and kisses the back of my hand. "You are amazing." My cheeks blush a little. He really thinks I'm amazing? This must be a dream! "I feel like Cinderella right now. Watch the clock strike midnight and I realize it was all just a dream."

He lets go of my hand and jumps out of the car to open my door for me. Taking my hand he helps me out of the car. I'm about to walk over to the entrance of my club when he pulls me back towards him, into yet another kiss. It's such a gentle, little kiss, almost just brushing my lips softly but the butterflies in my stomach are celebrating a party. Charlie pulls his phone out of his pocket and holds it up to me. I look at him confused. "It's 2 minutes after midnight..." And? I'm confused. "Vic, it's 2 minutes after midnight, you're not dreaming, this is all real." A huge smile forms on my lips. I don't want this night to end, but I know eventually it has too. Also, I'm very aware that Jenny is surely hiding in my club, watching our every move right now. She's just too curious for her own good sometimes. "Good night Charlie" - "Good night Vic" Placing on last kiss on my forehead he lets go of my hand and walks back to the driver's side of his car. I open the door of my club, turning around again, the brightest smile on my face, only to catch him smiling at me too.

"VICTORIA PORTER! TELL ME EVERYTHING!" I didn't even let go of the door yet when Jenny comes running from the bar. As I knew she would, she found herself a good hiding spot to watch what's going on outside. I walk past her to my bedroom. She follows me on the foot. "Excuse me?" I ignore her still. It's not like I don't wanna tell her, I just like teasing her a little, especially since she was spying on me. Eventually I can't bare to ignore her annoying behavior anymore. At this point she started acting like a child, which she always does when I tease her. "Well... where do I even start?" Thinking back to everything that happened today the smile on my face grows wider and wider. I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes started to sparkle. "He took me to Disneyland!" Her face turns into a big smile. "I knew you'd love that." Oh right, she knows... I remember the call from yesterday.

"Right, you know... ok well, what you don't know is, the first thing we did was go on the ferris wheel" Her eyes widen. She knows how crazy scared of heights I am. "Yeah, I did fight many fears today, believe me. It was fun though, apart from all the heart attacks. Even went on a few rollercoasters... oh and he dragged me through the Haunted Mansion... many fears" I laugh a little. "I made him wear Mikey Mouse ears in return so I think we're even" I fumble through my bag and take out the two pictures of us in front of Cinderella's castle. I hand them over to Jenny. Her eyes widen. "OMG V! How cute is that? And omg no way!" She's speechless for a second when she sees the photo of us kissing. I take a look at it too. I didn't even have time to look at them properly yet. It looks almost too perfect to be real. The castle behind us, Charlie's arms around my waist. I even lifted my foot up in the air like you always see in the movies. I don't remember doing that at all. And I mean, the mouse ears that we are wearing? Definitely too good to be true. "V, this is by far the cutest thing I've ever seen!" My cheeks turn red at the thought of everything that happened at the beach afterwards. "Believe me, this isn't even the best part, or better to say not the only best part. I feel like every single moment today was the best part."

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now