Chapter 29

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The ferris wheel stops right when we're at the top - of course... I'm still scared but it's ok. With Charlie's arms around me I know I'm save... and I technically know that I'm save anyways because how likely is it that the wheel will break right now or that I will fall out? Still, there is some fear left. "The view is beautiful" I whisper. "Yeah, it is." He's so near I can feel his breath on my cheek. I look over at him. He's not looking at the view we have, he's looking at me. My heart starts racing. The ferris wheel starts moving again and I flinch. I wasn't prepared. I can feel panic raising for a second. Charlie pulls me even tighter and I rest my head on his chest, almost as if I'm trying to hide in his hug. When we get off the ferries wheel I almost wanna go again. Of course I was scared as hell but I also loved it. I always wanted to go but never had the bravery. Also it was great being curled up in Charlie's arms.

"I'm sorry, if I would have known you're scared of heights I would have taken you somewhere different." He is looking at our locked hands. Ever since we left his car he didn't let go of my hand for a second and I honestly can't complain. "Hey" I say, waiting for him to look at me again. "That was amazing! The view up there? Worth every little heart attack I had. I don't wanna let my fears stop me from doing fun things. Also, I know I was save... I was with you." His face brightens up. "Let's go do this then!" He points at a ride in the distance. "Hell no!" I would do a lot with him. I trust him with a lot but this? Not happening. I can see at least two loopings. He drags me behind him. "No. No. No! Stop!" I press my heels to the floor like a stubborn child. He didn't expect that and gets pulled towards me. For a second I fear we're gonna fall over but he flings his arm around my waist and swirls us around. "Relax Vic, I'm just messing with you. Let's go get you one of these cute little mouse ears."

Eventually I decided it's time to face my fear of rollercoasters... but only some. It's not as bad as I thought it would be though. Probably because I'm with Charlie. I got more and more comfortable with the fear with every ride we did. It's save to say I started enjoying it more and more too. It's fun... somehow... the fear... the adrenaline... I get why people like it. However, I will definitely never be a regular rollercoaster rider. "Omg Charlie! Let's get you some ears too! Imagine how cute that would be! Gonna have to take a picture in front of the castle with them." Did I really just say that? Well, guess my inner child is crawling it's way to the top. "Of course you don't have to." I quickly add, kinda embarrassed I even said it. "Anything for you Vic. BUT you gotta go in there with me first." I turn to see what he's looking at. Oh dear, that guy is actually trying to kill me.

"Is this the part where you're gonna kill me and get rid of my body where no one will suspect anything?" I try to distract myself from the fact that he is dragging me into the Haunted Mansion. "Maybe" he looks at me, a devilish grin on his face. I honestly can't believe I'm doing this. It's like today is about fighting all my fears. Yes, I am very easy to scare. I always loved the feeling though. I hate horror movies... or well I never watch them because I know I'll be scared to leave my bed, but I always felt drawn to attractions like this. I remember when I was younger. Jenny's family took me on one of their trips to London and we went to the London Dungeon. I got so scared I grab her dads arms so hard he can probably still see my fingernail prints if he looks closely. Even though it was the scariest thing I had ever experienced I loved every second of it. Maybe I am some sort of adrenalin junky.

The mansion wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I mean... Charlie will probably have my prints on him for a really long time now too but I didn't scream as often as I thought I would. I only once hid behind Charlie and he only laughed at me about a hundred times. "Now you hold up your end of the bargain Sir." Charlie sighs a little, smiling and walks over to buy some mouse ears. Thinking about it now it must have been an interesting picture, me in the Haunted Mansion, scared to death with me pink mouse ears. "Let's go get your picture before anyone sees me wearing these." We both laugh. "But you look adorable!" He really does. We walk over to the castle, hand in hand. "Want a perfect photo?" I usually take my photos myself or let some strangers take them. I don't see a point in doing the to buy ones... but today... this moment, it should be caught right. I look at Charlie. He shrugs his shoulders as if to say it's up to me. I nod at the guy. "Alright, stand right there." We position ourselves in front of the castle. It's beautiful. Charlie is standing slightly behind me, putting his arms around my waist. I turn my head to look up at him. I hear the clicking of the camera in the distance but I can't look away. I'm captured by Charlie's eyes. He seems to feel the same way because he doesn't stop looking at me either. I turn around to fully face him, his arms still wrapped around my waist. My arms place themselves around his neck without me even fully noticing what's happening. I'm just so lost in his eyes. For a second his eyes move down to my mouth and back up to mine. I pull him a little closer and within a second his lips are on mine.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now