Chapter 41

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He doesn't move. I turn around to go back to my room, this was a stupid idea. "Vic?" I stop right where I'm standing and turn around slowly. He moves up into a sitting position. "What's wrong?" I don't say a word. I can't. It's so stupid. I shouldn't worry about what people say. They don't even know me. "Vic? Come here. Something is clearly up so talk to me." He moves over to the side of his bed and lifts up his blanket. I walk over and sit right next to him. I'm still unable to talk so I unlock my phone and hand it over to him. I can't even bare to look at him, I feel so stupid. "Sorry I woke you up... it's just... I don't know." He looks through the comments on my phone, his face turning angry. "Don't listen to them Vic! They are just jealous." - "I know it shouldn't matter to me." We're silent for a little but his presence alone calms me down.

He lays back down and gestures for me to come closer. I lay down next to him, my head on his chest. "Vic, I know it isn't easy to ignore it, but it truly doesn't matter. All that matters is you and me. They don't know a thing about us." I'm slowly starting to relax again. He's right, I know that. It will take a while for me to get used to all of this. People watching us, strangers having an opinion about me... All this is crazy. "Vic?" - "Mhm?" I mumble against his chest. "We got this." He's right. This is a fight I don't have to fight alone. I got Jenny and I got him... that's all I need. I can feel the sleep finally making me dizzy. I fall asleep to the sound of Charlie's heartbeat.

When I wake up Charlie is still asleep. I move a few inches away from him as carefully as I can and watch him for a little. I can't believe I'm actually here. As crazy as it is to have moved in with him, waking up to this... I could really get used to that. I climb out of bed as quietly as I can and walk out into the living area. I peak into my room only to find Jenny sleeping as well. I walk over to the kitchen area and look through the fridge. When he said his cooking skills were unique I guess he wasn't lying, because the insides of his fridge are quite unique too. I manage to find some eggs and bacon. It takes me a while to figure out how to work his stove, but eventually I get it. Once I'm done I set up three plates and walk into my room to wake up Jenny. As usual she's wide awake after I shake her slightly, it's a miracle she didn't wake up last night. "Breakfast is waiting outside. I'm gonna go wake up Charlie."

In front of Charlie's door I hesitate for a second, which is stupid because I've been in there like 30 minutes ago, but still... He's still sound asleep when I walk in. I sit down next to him. I can't bring myself to wake him up. When I hear Jenny in the kitchen I take a deep breath and do it anyways. I brush a strand of hair out of his face. I almost thought he didn't feel it, but his lips curl into a smile. I bow down and kiss them softly. His eyes fling open. "I could definitely get used to that." Oh dear... his voice is still sleepy, obviously, and omg... if this isn't the sexiest voice I've ever heard... "I made breakfast" I say, once I recovered from my little heart attack. "You didn't have to." - "I know. But I wanted to" I say with a bright smile on my face. This is what it should be like, I think to myself. I wanted to make breakfast so I did. He didn't expect me to. I wanna get back up to go to the kitchen but Charlie is faster. He grabs my arm and pulls me on top of him. I laugh. "Come on Charlie! Jenny is gonna eat all the food!" He shakes his head. "I don't care." I roll my eyes a little. "What do I have to do to get you out of bed?" A huge grin grows on his face. "Kiss me." I give him a quick little kiss. He shakes his head. I roll my eyes again and lean down into a proper kiss.

"Thought you'd never come out of there!" Jenny sits on the couch eating her breakfast. "Someone is very slow in the morning." - "Hey! I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." I walk over to the food I prepared and, as expected, Jenny ate more than half of it already. "See! I told you she'd eat everything!" - "Sorry" she yells over from the couch. I know she's not one bit sorry though. I put a little bit of food on my plate, leaving most of it for Charlie. "Vic, you sure you don't want more?" I just nod a little. "I'm not that hungry" I say, my eyes to the ground. "Well" he says, grabbing the eggs. "I'm not either." He throws some more eggs on my plate, equally dividing them between the two of us. He does the same with the bacon. I smile a little. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and walks over to the couch to sit down next to Jenny. "DON'T YOU DARE!" I look over at Charlie and Jenny, both of them bursting into laughter. In her one hand Jenny holds a piece of bacon. I walk over to them. "Did you seriously just steal his food?" She just shrugs her shoulders. "See it as a compliment, dude. Only steal food of people I like." - "I feel honored."

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now