Chapter 3

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I can't even consider walking over to my potential new club locations, I'm too confused by what just happened, so I decide to just head back to the hotel. Walking back I can't help but wonder what I did wrong. He seemed to like me, right? Or did I just imagine it. Was he just being polite and realized he wasn't gonna get rid of me that easily so he just ran? Memories of my time with Max come rushing back.

'Just leave me alone, Vicky! I just want to chill with my friends!' I leave the living room and go back into the bedroom. He didn't mean it like that, he just wants to have some alone time with his friends, I tell myself. I try to ignore that fact that I have heard the term 'Leave me alone' pretty much every single time I've tried to spend time with Max these past weeks. The only times he doesn't want to be left alone are whenever I make him food. Maybe he just needs time to adjust? We've only moved in together two months ago. It was great the first one or two weeks but then Max changed. It's like I'm just the annoying girl that lives with him, cleans and prepares his food.

Maybe my parents were right and it was a way to rushed decision to move in together with 21 after dating for only 1 year but we love each other. I'm sure everything will work out. We just both need to adjust to living with one another. He'll come around and we'll be happy again. 'Vicky?' I snap out of my thoughts and back to reality. I look up at Max. 'You know I love you more than anything right?' He waits for my reply. 'I know you do.' - 'Can you come make dinner for me and the boys?' I get up and walk over to the kitchen. I knew we'll be alright. He loves me.

Coming back to reality I realized I walked all the way back to my hotel, not having a single clue how I even got here. I try to shake off the fear and sadness that those memories bring with them. I know now that Max never really loved me, or maybe he did in his own twisted way, but he never loved me the way he should. He managed to make me believe I was nothing without him so that I wouldn't leave him. I should be thankful that Charlie ran before I could get caught up in another nightmare like this one. After all, just running away proves he isn't as amazing as he appeared to be. He wouldn't have done that if he was.

Once I get to my room I don't know what to do with myself. It's only 2pm. I planned to be looking at potential venues from the outside and their surroundings but all I can do is sit in my bed and let my thoughts spiral. I always had the issue of overthinking everything and I just can't stop myself right now. It should be 11pm in Germany right now. I could try and call Jenny. She is the only one who stuck with me through everything. She pulled me out of my toxic relationship with Max and she is the only one that believes in me - which doesn't stop her from thinking I'm crazy to move to another country by myself to start a business, but she supports me anyway. She picks up right away.

"V! OMG I'M SO GLAD YOU CALLED!" She yells into the phone. I can't help but smile. Just hearing her voice lifts my mood so much. "Hey J, how is it going on the other side of the world?" She pauses for a second before she replies. "What's wrong V? I can hear something is up." She just knows me too well. I knew I couldn't keep my mood-change from her for too long but I though I could at least make her believe everything is going great for a little longer. After all she still believes I shouldn't have come here. "V? Don't spiral. Just tell me what's going on." I know I can trust her and she wouldn't judge me so why don't I just tell her? She is my best friend and all I have left. After taking a few deep breaths I start. I tell her about how amazing the city is, how I went to the beach and then wanted to check out the area for the venues. I can tell she's rolling her eyes because she knows damn well I wasn't meant to go there for another few days but she also knows I was too curious.

I pause and take another deep breath before I start talking about the part where I met Charlie. I tell her how I paid attention to my phone and fell over. "Omg V! Are you ok?" she interrupts me. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine!" I assure her before I continue telling her everything. "And then he just jumped up and ran away." I conclude my story. Jenny is quiet for what feels like an eternity. "V, I know your head tells you it's you, but it's not. He invited you for a drink, even basically told you to stay at his and wake him up in the morning. He was definitely flirting with you." "But why run away?" She pauses again. "I don't know sweaty. Maybe... and I truly don't wanna hurt you with that... but maybe he has a girlfriend and when he realized what he was doing..." She doesn't continue but I know where she is going with this. "Maybe, just maybe I have a thing for the wrong guys." I say what she is thinking. "I'm so sorry V, maybe there is another explanation but sadly we'll never know. Now, you keep your head up and you go chase that crazy dream of yours, alright?" She's right. I can't loose track of my dream over some stupid, crazy attractive guy.

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now