Chapter 48

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We fall into the sand, both exhausted but happy. "That was so much fun!" I roll over to look at Charlie. His eyes are closed. "Yeah... you did great." He seems a little frustrated. After I stood up the first time, and miserably failed because I laughed about him falling down, I managed to stand up a couple more times, in the end even standing for a good 30 seconds. Charlie, however... he stood eventually but he never lasted long. "Oh come on!" I poke my index finger into his side. He opens one eye, a very small smile forming on his face. "Charlie" I poke him once again. He opens the other eye. "Don't you dare do this again" he says, trying to sound serious. "Or what?" I poke him a third time. He jumps up and practically attacks me, tickling my whole body. I squirm underneath him, gasping from laughter. "Stop" I say through my laughs but he doesn't. I don't have any chance of getting out of this situation. Then I get an idea. I fling my arms around his neck and pull myself up towards him, placing my mouth on his. He stops tickling me and I let go and let myself fall back down. He looks confused for a second but then he realizes what I just did and starts tickling me again. I repeat to put my arms around his neck and kiss him and he stops tickling me. This time I don't stop. I pull him down with me.

"How did you know I wanted to take lessons?" We are both laying on our backs. I roll over, placing my arms over Charlie's chest and rest my head on my arms. "I had a little help." He smirks. That's what him and Jenny talked about this morning! "Guess I'm gonna have to thank Jenny later." He laughs a little. "Next time I'll find an activity where I won't embarrass myself." I try to be serious but I just can't. A tiny laugh leaves my mouth. "Come on Charlie! It was fun! We'll just do it again some day and then you'll do great!" He rolls his eyes. I close my eyes and listen to the sound of the waves. "Thank you, I really needed this" I mumble against his chest. He brushes a strand of my hair out of my face, resting his hand on my cheek. I peak open one eye to find him smiling at me. I smile back. "So... should we go for a swim?" I nod my head. Hand in hand we walk towards the water. Just like the other night he pulls me along, my hands around his neck. "Why did we go all the way down here for this?" He brushes another strand of hair out of my face. "I thought we might have more peace down here." Makes sense. Since we... or rather he... posted that instagram post we had a lot of peace. It's nice. Hopefully it'll stay that way.

"Well, I promised Jenny we're back for another episode of Vic teaches Charlie how to cook. You ok with that?" - "Jenny already has a name for that?" I laugh a little. My best friend is really a special kind of girl. He just nods a little, laughing too. "What are we making today?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Your choice. We can stop at the store on our way back." We walk back up the promenade, looking at the little stores that are there. "I'll be right back." I walk into one of the stores. It's really cute and very little. An old lady is behind the counter. "Can I help you, Miss?" I walk up to her. "I've seen these cute turtle bracelets outside. Do they have a special meaning?" - "Every one of these bracelets belongs to a specific turtle. If you buy one some of the money get donated to save a turtle." That's such a lovely thing. I look to my right. There is a display with more to the bracelets. I pick out two, both have black pearls, one has a light pink turtle, the other a blue one. "Thank you so much" I say, walking back out to Charlie. "What did you get?" - "It's a surprise." I shrug my shoulders and keep walking.

On our way back we stopped at the store and got the ingredients for fried rice. Upon entering the apartment we are greeted by a "FINALLY!" from the couch. "You're home early." Home... did I just say that? Jenny shoots me a shocked look and I glance over at Charlie who smiles into the distance. Thinking about it, for the first time in a while I actually feel at home. I didn't feel at home the last years I lived with my parents and I mainly didn't feel at home with Max. The back of my club can't really be counted so for the first time in forever I feel at home. "You're right... and I am H-U-N-G-R-Y." I hold up the grocery bags, laughing. I take them over to the counter and start taking out all the ingredients we need. Jenny places herself at her watching spot on the other side of the counter and Charlie stands right next to me awaiting his assignments. I can't help but laugh at this constructions. We are a really interesting bunch. Charlie is instructed with cooking the rice and to my surprise he does that really well. Meanwhile I chop up some veggies and throw them in the pan. Once the rice is down we throw that in too and add some spices and eggs. Charlie wraps his arms around my waist, placing his head on my shoulder, just like I did a few days ago. "I think we did a good job." I smile. "Yeah... you did great with the rice." - "You love to tease me don't you." I shrug my shoulders. I turn around a little, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I guess I do."

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now