Chapter 7

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Charlie's POV 

Earlier that week 

"Any news Ben?" I can't be bothered to properly greet him when I see his name on my phone. I hear a small sigh on the other end of the phone before he responds. "I'm sorry. It isn't easy tracking a girl down by just her first name you know?" Yes I know damn well it isn't. For the past two days I spend most of my free time roaming the internet trying to find anything but all I have is her first name and that blurry side shot of her in the newspaper. I mean, I'm so glad they didn't get a good shot of her so she probably doesn't have to deal with any paparazzi but still, it would be really helpful to at least have a picture of her. "I know. Isn't there anything you can do?" My hope of good news when he called starts to make room for the feeling of guilt that I've been carrying with me since the day I met her. She literally just got her, ready to chance her dream and the first impression she gets is an idiot that spills his coffee on her and runs out.

"Look Charlie, I'm doing my best here. I've called in basically every favor I have. As soon as a girl named Victoria buys a club I get a call, but as long as that doesn't happen there isn't much more I can do." That's better than nothing right? I mean she said she want's to open up her own club. So she must buy some sort of location soon. I can wait until then. But what if she doesn't? What if for some reason she changes her mind. Maybe she doesn't like LA and wants to build her life somewhere else. Gosh, I sound pathetic. What has that girl done to me? By now I know my interest is far from just explaining myself and not leaving her think I'm a complete asshole. Something about her drives me crazy. I can't stop thinking about her. I wonder if she's thinking about me too. Probably not. She has a dream to chase. 

"Charlie? You still there?" Oh, I completely forgot I got Ben on the phone. "Yeah, sorry. Thanks anyway. Hopefully she actually buys a club soon." He can hear the doubt and worry in my voice. "It'll work out, don't worry. We'll find your girl." I can hear the smile in his voice. If Ben's on my side it'll somehow end well. I can rely on him. "Yeah... thanks." We hang up. I need to clear my head so I decide to go for a hike. It always calms me down. I slip on some socks and hiking shoes and leave my apartment. After an hour I feel much better. I sit at the bottom of the Hollywood sign and watch the city. It's crazy how calm everything is around here and how busy it gets just a few miles away. I love coming up here. This was what I needed.


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. It's Ben. Why does he call me that early in the morning? Did he...? I practically jump out of bed and grab my phone. "Ben?" The suspense is killing me. "I think I found her." I can practically see him smiling through the phone. "You serious?" I can't believe it! "So two days ago a girl named Victoria Porter bought a club on Sunset Boulevard. Seems hardly coincidental to me. So yeah, I think I found your girl." Your girl... I like the sound of that... Oh stop it! She probably doesn't even wanna see me or hasn't wasted a single thought about me in the past week. 

Suddenly I don't know what to do. I mean I can't just walk into her club, can I? It's not even open yet. She'll think I'm a crazy stalker. Well, I kinda am. I set up my manager to keep tabs on when she'll buy a club. I just wanna explain to her what happened that day. "Charlie?" Ben sounds concerned. "Yeah?" - "If you go there, and I guess you do, just be careful ok? No one can see you there. For your sake and hers." I know he's right but I hate this whole hide and seek situation. That's what messed up whatever it was between us in the first place. For now I have to play along though. It could seriously ruin her club opening and all the paparazzi would definitely make her life much harder than necessary. At least until she can decide on her own whether or not she want's to be part of that drama I have to keep it away from her. "I will take care" I promise to all three of us, me, Ben and Victoria. 

It's already the afternoon when I finally have the courage to leave my apartment and head to Victoria's club. I decided to wear a hoodie and sunglasses, just to be sure. I was tempted to add a cap but then I thought that would look too obviously like I'm trying to hide who I am. I pay extra close attention to my surroundings and take the smaller side streets and some detours, partly to distract anyone that might have caught wind of who I am and partly because I still haven't brought up the confidence to face her. Maybe she isn't even there. 

When I stand in front of the address Ben told me I immediately know I'm in the right spot. From what I can tell by looking through the huge glass windows the interior looks exactly like something Victoria would like. Or at least what I think she would like. One day I hopefully get the chance to know her well enough to be certain. To the left there is a bar and someone is sitting on one of the stools. She has her back turned towards the door but I'm sure it's her. My heart skips a beat. I take a deep breath and walk into the club. When she hears the door closing she says something, but I don't hear it. I'm way too nervous and happy to have finally found her. "Hey Victoria" I say with a shy smile, rubbing the back of my neck. She looks so tired and sad. Her face turns to a shocked emotion. I can hardly hear what she is whispering but I can read it from her lips. It's my name. 

The Magic of Hollywood // Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now